Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Five Signs He May Be Having a Cyber Affair

Published December 21, 2009 by:
Jan Stankewitz-Hunt

So you think that he's cheating on you but he's not leaving the house? Then he may be having a cyber affair. Look for the following signs.

Sign 1 : He's always on the Internet but you have no clue what he's doing.

Your mate is on the Internet but you have no clue what he's doing on there. When you ask what he is doing he says nothing or stalls and takes forever to come up with a reason for all the late night hours on the net. He never buys anything, talks to anyone or plays games. Install Family Cyber Alert to catch him in the act.

Sign 2 : He suddenly knows what Craigslist is.

Your mate comes to you suddenly and tells you that he saw a great, fill in the blank, on Craigslist and wants to buy it. More than likely he might have been on there looking at their casual encounters section looking for a playmate to talk to. You can always post an ad on their yourself and see if he responds to you.

Sign 3 : He has a new e-mail address that he didn't tell you about.

This e-mail might have been set up to receive e-mails from the other woman or women. You see him checking it but you don't know the password and you ask why but he has no excuse and closes the window before you can see the content. Try sending him something personal to this account and see if you get a response or you can try to crack his password through yahoo.

Sign 4 : He installs cCleaner on your computer.

This program wipes out all Internet history, cookies, temp files and more. You will never know where he has been or what he has been doing. If every time you get on the computer he has used this you might be looking at a cheater.

Sign 5 : He's never in bed when you are.

He says that he needs to finish something and will be to bed in a bit. You wait and when you go downstairs he closes the screen down and shuts off the computer and says he coming to bed. Or he may get up way before you do in the morning to carry on on the net with someone else in another time zone. This man may also not be showing any sexual interest in you no matter what you do to tempt him into it. He may not even be able to preform even though you have put on his favorite nurse outfit.

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