Saturday, January 16, 2010

Cumberland Valley teacher e-mail probe continues

By Heather Stauffer, Sentinel Reporter, December 11, 2009
Last updated: Friday, December 11, 2009 11:26 PM EST

No charges have yet been filed against a Cumberland Valley High School teacher who is accused of sending inappropriate text messages and e-mails to a female student.

According to court documents, the man has told police he sent the messages. The Sentinel is withholding the teacher’s name because he has not been charged. The school district has said he is not presently in the classroom and that it is cooperating fully with the ongoing investigation.Authorities have not commented publicly on how long the investigation will take, but Cumberland County District Attorney David Freed said the nature of the evidence in this type of case can take longer to process than some others, because it requires computer forensics.“Generally, in any investigation of a crime, especially with victims or potential victims, the first priority is to ensure safety,” he said.After that, he said, investigators must gauge the scope of potential evidence, information and witnesses.“I will say that I can attest that (Pennsylvania State Police) continues to actively work the case,” Freed said.As part of their investigation, state police obtained two search warrants, one to seize the teacher’s cell phone and personal computer and the second, which became public last Thursday, to conduct forensic investigation on the items.That second warrant indicates the teacher told police he had a “crush” on the 15-year-old girl and had inappropriate communication with her.According to the warrants, state police began a corruption of minors investigation after the girl’s father saw an “alarming” e-mail on her computer and contacted them on Nov. 29.One message excerpt included in the search warrant said, “I can’t believe that after five years of teenage girls flirting with me all day everyday, that (name withheld) reading one text is going to make me look like a lowlife. Well, I can be offensive sometimes, but my God, I’ve never been, like, a player. Until about 8 weeks ago, I’ve never questioned my love for my wife.”The warrants indicate the e-mails were sent from a Yahoo account.

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