Monday, February 18, 2013

Beware: The Faceboolk Privacy Settings HOAX!!!

If you see this message below posted on a friends wall you may not want to follow the instructions. Thats a hoax, if your friends change THEIR settings they will no longer know about your likes or comments. If you change YOUR settings you won't see theirs. Effectively UNFRIENDING your closest friends that read this.
See Hoax Post Bellow:
FACEBOOK HAS CHANGED THEIR PRIVACY SETTINGS ONCE MORE!!! DUE TO THE NEW “GRAPH APP” ANYONE ON FACEBOOK (INCLUDING PEOPLE IN OTHER COUNTRIES) CAN SEE YOUR PICTURES, LIKES, AND COMMENTS. The next 2 weeks I will be posting this, and please once you have done it please post DONE! Those of you who do not keep my information from going out to the public, I will have to DELETE YOU! I want to stay PRIVATELY connected with you. I post shots of my family that I don't want strangers to have access to!!! This happens when our friends click "like" or "comment"... automatically, their friends would see our posts too. Unfortunately, we cannot change this setting by ourselves because Facebook has configured it that way. PLEASE place your mouse over my name above (DO NOT CLICK), a window will appear, now move the mouse on “FRIENDS" (also without clicking), then down to "Settings", click here and a list will appear. REMOVE the CHECK on "LIFE EVENTS" and "COMMENTS & LIKES". By doing this, my activity among my friends and family will
no longer become public.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Stop Internet Defamation With A Reverse Email Search Investigation

By Ed Opperman
Internet defamation has become more than epidemic, its a plague! The Internet has reached the point where any anonymous person can create a fake email account and make any kind of accusation about anyone and say anything. Many times the victims of this kind of harassment is the target of a wide spread pattern of cyber stalking and the Internet defamation is only a portion of the attack. One crazed stalker with a lot of time on their hands can spend hours obsessing on their victim.
Not only is this kind of online defamatory abuse allowed it's actually encouraged by an every expanding group of Internet quick buck artists that have a found a legal loophole to make quick and easy cash. These unscrupulous con men set up web sites with legitimate sound names that mimic consumer reporting web sites. Then they encourage outright libel and slander against innocent people and businesses. Sometimes even having their own employees create fictitious complaints.

They understand that by using the names of popular people and companies they will attract web site visitors. Those visitors will increase the traffic statistics of the web site and thus return high advertising revenue. In fact many of the advertisers specialize in assisting the victims of the defamation in clearing their name and reputation by offering expensive Internet reputation repair and public relations campaigns.

The sleazy operators of these web sites hide behind the first amendment of the constitution. So the victims have no recourse against the web site owners or web site hosting companies. But with a reverse email search investigation the actual people spreading the lies can be located and identified and held financially responsible for any monetary damages the victim of this Internet defamation is subjected to. In some cases they may also be held criminally responsible.

A private investigator experienced in Internet defamation cases and reverse email search investigations can catch these people in the act and then reduce their finds to a report that can be used as an exhibit in court. They can also testify on your behalf in a lawsuit to recover damages. For now the owners of these sleazy web sites may be able to escape from justice but the actual authors cannot. If they are spread false defamatory lies about a person they can be brought to justice and made to pay for their crimes. They may think they have gotten aawaay with their crime but time is on the side of the victim and every one of these cyber criminals can be caaught eventually.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc
Ed Opperman is president of Opperman investigations. If you need a reverse email search to locate a con man, bail jumper, runaway or parental kidnapper please visit
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Friday, February 8, 2013

Is Facebook Helpful In Identifying a Cyber Stalker? now has over 350 million active members. With that many people interacting over the Internet it's obvious why so many cyber stalking cases take place over the Facebook social network system. But with so many instances of cyber stalking occurring everyday are the owners and managers of the popular social network helpful to their members is locating and identifying the cyber bullies? Unfortunately like all the est of the Internet giants they are not helpful at all. The standard line is that they will cooperate with law enforcement and comply with court orders and subpoenas served on the Custodian of Records.

It sort of becomes a catch 22. The police will sometimes say that they cannot open a case until you can identify the person stalking you and the ISPs or social networks will not release account holder or members information unless it's in compliance with a search warrant. The victim of the cyber stalking crime is once again victimized by this system of "pass the buck". In a civil litigation a lawyer will probably not take on a case unless you can identify the person you want to sue.

There is hope though. A victim of a Facebook stalker can turn to a private investigation that specializes in Internet investigations and locating and identifying people online. In the case of Facebook, most accounts will have an email address that is visible to other members. The email address used to open the Facebook account had to be active and working at the time the account was opened and the page was created. If that is the case the email address can be traced back to the owner using a standard reverse email search investigation.

If the email address is hidden from public view the private detective can still contact the Facebook page owner via the private messages system and can use a pretext to either trick the cyber stalker into revealing their identify or they can lure the stalker over to a pretext web site. These sites are created with features that can trap and trace a visitors identifying information. This information can be traced to the stalker or perhaps compared to identifying information about a person you suspect is the cyber stalker.

Once the investigation has been completed the investigator can reduce his findings to a report that is in acceptable form for the police to continue the investigation and make an arrest. So even if Facebook is not helpful in a cyber stalking investigation there are PIs that will help you. Of course it would be so much simpler if large social networks would just police their forums and keep things nice and safe and friendly however that is just not the case.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc
Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you need help with a Facebook stalker investigation visit
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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Must Your Cell Phone Have a SIM Card To Recover Deleted SMS

If you need to read SMS or text messages that have been deleted from a cell phone you may be under the impression that the only way to recover deleted texts or SMS messages is via a SIM card reader. This is untrue, This is a very common misconception that cell phone forensic consultants hear everyday.if you have a CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) device that does not have a SIM card, the internal memory of the device itself can be examined to recover data.
Now if the phone is GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications: originally from Group Special Mobile) and the SIM card is absent or missing that's another issue. There is no way to examine that phone unless you can contact your service provider and ask them for the IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identification) and the ICCID(International Circuit Card Identifier. If you can get those two numbers the SIM card can be cloned and the phone can be processed.

Now with some Smart Phones like the iPhone back up files can be examined and processed in the same was as a cell phone or SIM can be examined. Deleted SMS and Text messages, address book, and other data can be recovered from those back up files. This is the best solution for people that desperately need to read deleted SMS or texts from an iPhone but simply cannot prt with the device for more than a day.

The first step is to get the computer to allow you to see hidden files and folders. To do this you will need to open "My Computer". Click on the "Tools" drop down menu. You should see "Folder Options". Click on the "View" button. In the Advanced settings box you should see a folder named "Hidden files and folders." Click in the "Show hidden files and folders" circular button and then click "OK" at the bottom of the box. (See the image "Folder Options" attached to this email.

Once you can see the hidden folders you need to follow this path- (Click on each folder) C / Documents and settings/ User (this will be the name of the person)/ application data/ Apple Computer/ MobileSync. The Cell phone forensic consultant needs the folder "Mobile Sync"

As you can see there is a solution to almost any problem if you need to recover deleted SMS or text messages from a cell phone without a SIM card. All you really need to do is consult will a forensic Cell phone consultant.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

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Can A Husband Or Wife Spy On Their Spouse's Emails?

If you suspect your husband of infidelity you may be tempted to hack into his email account in order to read his private emails. This could be a huge mistake. Even if you suspect your man is cheating you do not have a right to invade another persons privacy with email hacking. In fact recently a husband who logged onto his wife's email account was arrested and is now facing up to 5 years in prison.
This man is being charged with felony computer misuse, and faces up to five years in prison after logging into the email account of now ex-wife on a shared laptop using her password.

So while it may be tempting to try to do it yourself when investigating infidelity it's really something that's best left up to the professionals. A professional investigator will know what is and isn't legal when investigating infidelity. Had this man consulted with a professional he could have saved himself a great deal of time, money and aggravation.

There are many legal ways through digital forensics to obtain evidence of infidelity. There are also methods to trace emails to online dating sites and social networks that will return the evidence of infidelity you are seeking. if a professional is investigating and obtaining this evidence they will know how to carefully document their efforts and maintain a chain of custody so that the evidence can be used in court.

As an investigator many times a client will contact me and ask me to get their spouses email passwords or commit some other kind of crime. As a professional it's up to me to explain what can and cannot be done legally.

Computer forensics, cell phone forensics, Internet infidelity searches are just a few ways to legally recover evidence of cheating spouse activity. But these are only a few of the things a professional investigator can do for you to expose a cheating spouse. Legally.

It's so important to remember that every step taken in any investigation must be done in complete compliance with all the applicable laws. Before consulting with a private detective be sure to ask if they have experience in this field of investigation. Be wary of online web sites offering do it yourself spy gear and wire tapping equipment. while it may be lawful for them to sell the devices it still may be illegal for you to misuse the equipment to spy or your husband or wife.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you need help with a Computer Hard Drive Examination investigation visit
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