Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Undelete Deleted Text Messages and Pics to See If Your Teen is "Sexting"

If you really want to know what your teen is up to, you need to know how to undelete deleted pics and retrieve deleted texts. There are too many dangers and too much temptation out there for you to simply hope for the best and pray that it all works out. Fortunately, you can do better than just hope.

Cell phones are pretty much an essential component of teenage life. It's pretty rare to see a teenager who hasn't mastered the art of thumbing out messages at a thousand miles an hour and rarer still to find one with out a cell phone at all.

And in many respects, this is a good thing. Now you can call your teenager to see what they are doing, and they are always able to contact you in case of an emergency. But like most everything else, cell phones can and are abused, especially by teenager who are, as a rule, not known for their great judgement. This is why its important for you to be able to undelete deleted pics and retrieve deleted texts.

One side effect of the ubiquity of cell phones in teenage life is the rise of something called "sexting". Teenagers being full of hormones and lacking in impulse control have found that you can very easily use the camera and text functions on cell phones to send naked pictures and dirty texts to each other.

There are lots of reasons why this should concern you, and not just the obvious ones. Certainly, you need to be concerned that your teen might be rushing into sexual activity way too early, but you also need to consider what could happen if naked pictures of them were sent around. Passing around pictures is as easy as pressing a button, and once they get out it's all but impossible to unring that bell.

Your teenager is not stupid, even if they are doing some stupid things. They are very unlikely to leave pics in their phone where you could find them. They will delete them, and you will have to undelete deleted pics.

What you should do is every so often, grab your kids phone and send it off to a data recovery specialist. These trained professionals will undelete deleted texts and pics and send it back the information back to you. This is only way to know for sure your teen is being safe and responsible.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit EmailRevealer.com his dating service search website for all of your email trace online needs. They offer cell phone forensics, online infidelity investigations, reverse email searches, telephone investigations, and more. To learn more please go here now: ----> http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

There's No Better Time for a People Finder Search Than the Holiday Season

Spending the holiday season without having your close family members near can turn what is supposed to be a joyous and happy occasion into one that is very lonely and sad. This is the exact type of situation that many people find themselves enduring over the holidays because of family squabbles or petty arguments that ended up resulting in contact that was lost with a close member of the family. There are also many broken friendships and individuals that were once involved in an old romance that go through the pain and emptiness during the holidays that is often caused when contact is lost between two people that once shared a close bond with one another. It does not have to be this way however.

It actually takes a lot less time to locate your lost loved ones than you may think, and there is no better time to have an EmailRevealer.com people finder search performed than during the holiday season. In a matter of no time at all you can be brighten up your holidays by mending family relationships that had been broken, rekindling an old romance or restarting a lost friendship with a close friend that you have always cherished. There is no argument or disagreement that should ever be considered as big enough to keep you and lost family or friends from the love and devotion that you have always felt between each other.

When you realize how easy it is to perform this type of investigation, you will certainly be asking yourself why in the world you took so long to consult with an expert that has the experience needed to perform an emailRevealer.com people finder search. Once you contact a private investigator they will ask you for such information as the name of your lost loved one, the last known telephone number and address you have for the person, and their date of birth or approximate age. This is all that is needed to possibly bring you one of the most exciting and happiest holiday seasons you have spent in a very long time.

If the only thing that has kept you from having an EmailRevealer.com people finder search performed is you are worried that your attempts will be rejected, this is a worry that you need to completely do away with. When a person in cases such as this are located, they are almost always just as excited to be reunited with you, as you are with them.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman (EmailRevealer.com)

Ed Opperman invites you to visit EmailRevealer.com his cyber investigation website for all of your people search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about people search and other useful information please click here now:===> http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Thursday, October 28, 2010

You Can Recognize Signs of Cheating With EmailRevealer.com?

EmailRevealer.com in the News!

For many people that very rarely have anything to do with the Internet are generally not very familiar with the ways of the online world. In many cases, they may also not be very familiar with the many signs of cheating there are when it comes to the Internet, and they certainly do not know what they should look for when their spouse or partner is a regular at surfing through the web. If you are not an individual that can easily recognize the signs of cheating on the Internet and you are involved in a relationship or marriage to someone that frequents the web, the first thing you should do is use Emailrevealer.com to find out what all of the warning signs are that point in the direction that online infidelity may be occurring.

There are actually several different signs of cheating online that EmailRevealer.com can maake you aware of when they have a partner or spouse that is savvy to the virtual world. Below you will find some of the most common signs of cheating that generally occur when a person is sneaking around and engaging in some form of online infidelity.

-When their partner or spouse enters into the room a person that is involved in online infidelity will often rush to close emails, instant messengers, and websites that they currently have open
-A person that is trying to hide their tracks of any website activities that they are engaged in will usually make it a habit to erase the history of recently visited websites
-In many cases records of emails that have been sent and received will be completely erased
-Innocent partners will often notice their significant other spending much more time than usual if they are participating in any activity that is unacceptable, such as online infidelity

As soon as you gain the information needed to recognize the signs of cheating on the Internet and you realize that this has become a problem in your relationship, it is time to contact EmailRevealer.com, an expert in the field of online infidelity investigations. It is the best way to obtain information regarding the online activity of your partner, and it is as easy as supplying their email address to an experienced investigator. It gives you the ability to learn if your partner has registered with websites such as porn, escort, fetish and swinger sites, as well as many of the popular social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook.

Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc and EmailRevealer.com is an expert in spotting the Signs of Cheating and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Computer Forensic Examinations Can Prevent Your Marriage From Becoming a Statistic of Infidelity

Have you ever heard the saying that if something sounds too good to be true it usually is? There is also another wise saying that more people should pay attention to and it has been passed down through many generations. It is 'if you start feeling as if dishonesty and unfaithfulness is a problem that has made its way into your relationship or marriage, then it is time to stop wondering and find out for sure'. If partners, husbands and wives would take heed to each of these well-known sayings or warning signs, there is no telling just how many marriages could actually be saved before infidelity had a chance to enter into the equation.

A computer forensic examination can often prevent a marriage from falling apart and becoming just another statistic of infidelity if people that have suspicions about their partners online activities would take the time to have deleted data recovered from their computer's hard drive. This is actually a benefit that can give a person the advantage of being able to confront and work through any type of unacceptable Internet behavior that may be occurring, before infidelity actually does happen.

When you provide an expert private investigator with your spouse or partner's computer hard drive, they can recover deleted data that includes files and documents that have been erased, deleted photographs they have sent or received, the history of the browser, detailed chat logs of conversations that have been held on MSN, Yahoo, AOL and other chat messengers, as well as emails with other people that have been erased.

If you notice that something just does not seem quite right in your relationship and you decide to have a computer forensic examination performed to see if you can find any clues as to what might be going on, it is a step in the right direction that has the ability to actually prevent your marriage or relationship from becoming just another statistic of infidelity.

A computer forensic examination is often the choice of investigations that can also be very helpful in cases where individuals are battling in a divorce case and a computer hard drive holds the evidence that is needed. This investigation can also help in battles of child custody, locating teens that have run away, employee misuses of company computers, cases of porn addiction, and misbehavior on the Internet that may be suspected of teen children.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you need help with a Computer Hard Drive Examination investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Catching Cyber Stalkers May be Easier Than You Think

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Catch Your Partner in the Act of Cheating With a Personal Ad Investigation

It is quite common for a person that is capable of cheating that have already made a commitment to a marriage or relationship to go ahead and make the plunge of giving in to their temptations of curiosity and submitting a registration to various types of online dating sites. Although there are times that some people just get curious and register with sites such as this just so they can browse through personal ads that other people have posted, there are many others that simply cannot leave well enough alone and they go much further than mere browsing. The result of their unfaithful behavior is often an exchange of telephone numbers, and then it progresses to a face to face date with other people they have found in the posted ads.

If you have already endured the pain and frustration in learning that your partner has registered a membership on any number of different dating sites that are scattered all throughout the Internet but you would like to take it one step further, a personal ad investigation can be the perfect answer.

Once a person has already found out about a specific dating site that their partner has registered with, which is generally done through a dating service (infidelity) investigation, many people often decide that it is in their best interest to have a personal ad investigation performed. This beneficial type of investigation is one that can completely uncover any questions whatsoever that an innocent partner may be curious about in thinking that their significant other is cheating on them. On the flip-side to this, it is also very helpful in situations where the partner or spouse is not cheating and they would like to prove their innocence.

A personal ad investigation gives you the ability to catch your partner in the act of cheating on you, with unacceptable behavior they are engaging in on a dating website. Experts that perform the investigation can locate the online ad that your spouse or partner has placed on the dating site, they can provide evidence of cheating partners that try to make contact or exchange telephone numbers with other people on dating sites, and it can also prove if your partner has been exchanging intimate pictures with other members of these sites.

All too often a cheater will try to convince their loved one that they just browse through dating ads just for kicks. Don't just accept them at their word, find out for sure with a personal ad investigation.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for http://www.emailrevealer.com If you have noticed signs of cheating please feel free to visit his web site.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Catching Cyber Stalkers May be Easier Than You Think

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Stop Harassment Of Cyber Stalkers With A Reverse Email Look-Up

As continuous changes occur to the devices of technology that many of us use on a daily basis, so do the problems that can occur with the use of high-tech devices such as browsing the Internet with a home or business computer. One growing problem that several individuals have faced is harassing emails that are received from cyber stalkers that resort to sending threatening messages to specific victims they have chosen. For the victim of continuous threats, this can be a very scary situation to endure. However, even though people are noticing more technical problems these days that include email stalking, the procedures that are used to catch these offenders has also changed with the times and become more technical.

The harassment, the threats, and the whole frightening experience of being stalked through your email address can be put to an end when you speak with an experienced professional that can perform an investigation that is known as a reverse email look-up. This unique and beneficial service gives individuals the ability to reveal the cyber stalkers identity. Through this type of trace you can also learn the telephone number, address, name, information of employment, ISP, links to sites showing the activity of the stalker, and various other forms of information that can reveal the type of person that you are dealing with. The evidence that is found through a reverse email look-up can also be very beneficial to any authorities that you have contacted to solve your case and catch the individual that is threatening you.

Requesting a reverse email trace of cyber stalkers is a process that takes very little of your time and it is certainly considered as an inexpensive service when victims of stalking take into consideration the benefits that are provided to them. All the expert will require to perform this helpful investigation is for you to provide an email address of the party that is sending threatening and harassing emails to you on your email account.

Many people often make the mistake of using purchased email look-ups that can be found on various sites online, only to find that they simply do not provide the information that has been promised. The only way that you can be sure to successfully gain the full identity of bullying cyber stalkers is by consulting with experts that have the tools to perform a profession reverse email look-up investigation.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com

Friday, October 15, 2010

Online Infidelity Investigations - How Do You Know Which Agency To Use?

Thanks to the Internet cheating is easier to do and more commonplace in these days and times. It might even be happening to you and you are not even aware of it.

You will have to decide if your relationship is worth saving or if you just need to move on.

So what do you do if you think your partner or spouse is cheating on you?

You can use online infidelity investigations to find out. There are many companies that can provide this service for you.

Online infidelity investigations are done every day to catch cheating spouses. There are some things that you need to watch for when you are choosing the agency to do the investigating.

The first thing you want to find out is how much experience does the investigating company have? This is important because the more experience they have the faster they will get you the information you want.

This really is one area that experience does pay off. To do a thorough job for you conducting an online infidelity investigation takes persistence and skill.

The second thing you want to do is to find out if the investigations agency is reputable and honest. Is a good idea to look at their success rate and check into their background.

You can ask for references and even do a check with the Better Business Bureau to see if their are any unresolved complaints. No company is perfect, but if you see a pattern of not taking care of the customer there is no sense you hiring them if you are not comfortable doing it.

The more that you can find out about the investigations agency the easier you will be able to decide if you want to use them. Do not just take their word for it.

Do some research to find out more. Otherwise, you may end up not only being hurt, angry and any other number of emotions because your spouse or partner is cheating.

You will also be angry and hurt if you hire a company to do an online investigation and they do not come through for you. So avoid this when you can by finding out more about the company before you hire them.

Ed Opperman
Opperman Investigations Inc
Suite 171 Independence Plaza
1001 16th Street B-180
Denver Co 80265
888 775 7149

Is Your Child's Innocence Being Invaded by a Cyber Stalker?

It is bad enough that there are many people in the real world that sit in wait just to take advantage of an innocent child. To make matters even worse, now countless parents have to worry about the chances of their child's innocence being invaded by a cyber stalker on the Internet. This is a major reason why it is highly suggested that people take advantage of the parental controls that are made available to them. There are many sexual predators that roam around the Internet until they find a target that they choose to harass in emails. When they begin sending messages to a child, many times they are trusted and given detailed information from the child that should not be given. This is especially true in cases where parents have not taken the time to warn their children about sexual predators and other dangers that can be found online.

One of the best investigative tools that many parents are using these days to ensure their children's innocence is not take advantage of is known as a reverse email look-up. This is a unique investigation that can provide a wide range of beneficial information about the cyber stalker that has refused to stop sending sexually explicit emails to your child. To list a few of the helpful pieces of information that can be obtained through an investigation that is performed using their email address would include the following:

· Information regarding their place of employment

· Full name

· Street address

· Home telephone number

· Operating system that they use

· Geographic location

· Links to websites they visit

· Internet Service Provider (ISP)

· Other information that can be turned over to the proper authorities

If a cyber stalker has been sending one of your children emails that contain sexually explicit language, it is extremely important to treat this as a very serious situation and contact authorities that can file a report. At this point you should also consult with experienced professionals to find out the true identity of the sexual predator that is consuming your email account. Individuals can often expect fast results in as little as 24 hours. The longest amount of time that these investigations can take is generally about two weeks.

When you choose to use a reverse email trace to reveal the identity of the cyber stalker that has been trying to get too close to your child, you are not held responsible for any fees unless the private investigator receives a hit on the information that he is trying to recover.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

About The Author
Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com
The author invites you to visit:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Have an Expert Recover Text Messages if You Think Your Husband is Cheating

Have you had the shock of your life of finding your wife texting another man? Or, maybe you caught a glimpse of your husband deleted text messages off of his cell phone. Unfortunately there is a large number of men and women all over the world that have run into this very same type of situation, and it is not something that is getting any better by any means.

Infidelity seems to continuously weed its way into an endless number of people's lives, and in its path it causes a tremendous amount of turmoil and pain. After an individual catches a spouse or partner right in the act of erasing any data that could have very well been the evidence you needed to confront them on their cheating, there are several people that often still wonder if there is a way to recover deleted text messages so that they can either resolve the problem or move on.

With the way cheating has become such a huge problem in our society, there are more people all the time who are contacting experts to perform cell phone forensic investigations on their Palm OS PDA cellular device. Not only can they recover deleted text messages that have been made and received, but they can also retrieve the following deleted data as well:

· SIM contact information that has been erased from the device
· To do list
· Memory image
· Information contained in the address book
· Device properties
· Memo
· JPEG images
· Date book
· Call logs that include the duration and time of calls received and made
· Other data that has been erased

You should always use an expert investigator that knows how to recover deleted text from your Palm OS PDA cellular device. Using over-the-counter SIM card readers
is not recommended, as this will often lead to data that is completely destroyed, which means you will no longer be able to retrieve it.

An experienced professional that has the right tools and the knowledge that is needed to properly perform a cell phone forensic investigation can ensure that there will be no damage done to the data contained on the device. After sending in the phone that holds the data that you need undeleted, they will use specific tools to retrieve deleted text and any other data that is needed, and then you will be sent a disk that holds detailed information of the information recovered.

About the Author
Occupation: Private Investigator
ED Opperman is president of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in email tracing and Internet infidelity Investigations. If you need an online investigation or cyber stalking intervention please visit http://www.EmailRevealer.com
http://www.emailrevealer.comRead more at http://www.articlealley.com/article_1546814_35.html?kcplink=1

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Unpaid Child Support and Loans Can Often Be Collected on When Using an Asset Search

As if it were not already a big enough problem, the problems that most every state is suffering because of problems in the economy has caused a tremendous increase in the number of cases requiring an asset search to collect on unpaid child support, unpaid loans and bad debts. There has also been an increase in the number of cases involving divorce litigation and the need to search for hidden funds or bank accounts. However, these are situations that can often be collected on when you consult with an expert private investigator to perform an asset search investigation.
It is a known fact that there are a countless number of individuals in our society that are continuously trying to get away with hiding various types of assets that they own, simply to keep from having to pay on the balance of unpaid money that they owe.

Aside from various other types of debts, unpaid child support and unpaid loans can often be collected on when individuals choose the option of having an asset search investigation performed. Some people are often surprised when they realize the wide variety of assets that can often be uncovered using this type of investigation. All that you are required to do is to supply an expert private investigator with the social security number, the name, address, and telephone number of the individual suspected to assets that they are hiding. Following the completion of the investigation, you will be supplied with detailed information regarding the following types of hidden assets.

Business that are in the name of the individual in question Real Estate Properties Automobiles, Motor Homes, Trucks, etc. Trust Accounts Airplanes and boats in the individual's name Bank Accounts that include Savings and Checking Accounts Investments that include Bonds, Mutual Funds and Stocks

If an individual continues to refuse paying you the money that they owe for a loan, child support for your children, or if you need evidence to supply in a court proceeding involving divorce litigation, contacting an experienced private investigator is the first step you will want to take. Unpaid child support, debts and unpaid loans can, in many cases, be collected when you use the information obtained from an asset search investigation.
Numerous individuals that have money owed to them often use this legal GLB compliant type of beneficial investigation to help them locate any hidden assets that an individual is trying to keep hidden.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman
For assistance in performing an Asset Search Investigation contact Ed Opperman Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc through his web site http://www.emailrevealer.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Let Experts Retrieve Deleted Text When Your Partner Shows Signs of Cheating

There are many problems that can arise within relationships. Most of the time, the parties are able to communicate with one another and work through problems that are common occurrences in most any relationship. However, there are a few serious issues that can arise that are very hard to overlook, and infidelity is one of them. There are relationships that suffer and fall apart every single day because of a cheating spouse. If this is a problem that you believe may be occurring within your marriage and you have noticed the signs of cheating, the best plan is to let experts retrieve deleted text messages and other data from your partner's cell phone.

In some cases signs of cheating is very noticeable, and in other cases its not as obvious. However, in many cases when infidelity is suspected, the innocent spouse is usually right. The only way to know for sure is to let experts retrieve deleted text from your partner's cell phone and put your mind to rest. Some signs of cheating include staying at work later than usual. Your partner may also lose interest in various family activities, you may have caught your husband erasing various texts and other information from his cell phone, and some husbands even catch their wife texting another man. When these things happen right in front of your face it is very hard to just dismiss them.

Cell phone forensic investigations are the best and most popular investigative tool available today to uncover infidelity. This type of investigation takes very little time to perform, and it doesn't cost a large amount of out-of-pocket expense. Individuals that realize their partner is showing the signs of cheating can learn a large amount of information about what their spouse is up to. When you let an expert retrieve deleted text they can uncover erased data such as the address book, caller ID, contact list information, pictures and graphics that have been removed, call log information such as the time, date, and length of calls made and received, and sext, text, and SMS messages can also be undeleted. There are also several other pieces of data that can be retrieved when a cell phone forensic investigation is performed.

With an investigation such as this available, there is simply no need to fret and worry if you notice your partner is showing the signs of cheating. Receive an answer to your questions by letting experts in the field of cell phone forensics recover deleted text.

Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in Internet Infidelity Investigations and Computer and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Should You Retrieve Deleted Text to Verify Signs of Cheating?

Infidelity has become such a widespread problem, that there are some people who are in a relationship or marriage that are continuously staying on-guard, just waiting for this type of devastating problem to happen to them. With more and more people using their cell phones as a convenient device to stay in touch with the 'other' person in their life, the number of infidelity cases has literally sky-rocketed.

In many cases it is not hard at all to detect the signs of cheating when your partner is engaging in unacceptable behavior using their cell phone. In fact, many innocent partners caught in the middle usually notice some of the cheating signs right away. Making it a routine to delete text messages, leaving some calls unanswered when in front of their spouse, and being caught hiding in another room to accept or call another person, are just a few signs of cheating in regards to cell phone use that in many cases has in fact turned out to be yet another case of infidelity.

Of course this is not at all how any relationship is intended to be, but it is unfortunately part of reality in this day and time. If you noticed the signs of cheating in your marriage or relationship, should you just ignore it? Or, should you contact professional experts that know how to retrieve deleted text so you could find out if your partner is cheating behind your back? Infidelity is not a problem that should ever be ignored. This is one of the reasons why it has increased to epidemic proportions to begin with.

Consulting with expert private investigators is a beneficial option that is becoming very popular among innocent partners that would like to find out everything they need to answer questions about their spouse or partners fidelity or infidelity. Not only can professionals that perform cell phone forensic investigations retrieve deleted text, but they can also recover such information as call logs that include call made and received, address book entries that have been erased, sext and SMS messages, photographs and graphics, and a variety of other deleted data. If you decide you should retrieve deleted text when you discover the signs of cheating, this is certainly the way to go.

This type of investigation is in no way comparable to SIM card readers, which are actually devices that are highly frowned upon by professionals. This is because the use of SIM card readers have become well known for the damage and destruction that they can cause to data trying to be recovered.

Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in spotting the Signs of Cheating and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Monday, September 13, 2010

Should You Retrieve Deleted Text to Verify Signs of Cheating?

Infidelity has become such a widespread problem, that there are some people who are in a relationship or marriage that are continuously staying on-guard, just waiting for this type of devastating problem to happen to them. With more and more people using their cell phones as a convenient device to stay in touch with the 'other' person in their life, the number of infidelity cases has literally sky-rocketed.

In many cases it is not hard at all to detect the signs of cheating when your partner is engaging in unacceptable behavior using their cell phone. In fact, many innocent partners caught in the middle usually notice some of the cheating signs right away. Making it a routine to delete text messages, leaving some calls unanswered when in front of their spouse, and being caught hiding in another room to accept or call another person, are just a few signs of cheating in regards to cell phone use that in many cases has in fact turned out to be yet another case of infidelity.

Of course this is not at all how any relationship is intended to be, but it is unfortunately part of reality in this day and time. If you noticed the signs of cheating in your marriage or relationship, should you just ignore it? Or, should you contact professional experts that know how to retrieve deleted text so you could find out if your partner is cheating behind your back? Infidelity is not a problem that should ever be ignored. This is one of the reasons why it has increased to epidemic proportions to begin with.

Consulting with expert private investigators is a beneficial option that is becoming very popular among innocent partners that would like to find out everything they need to answer questions about their spouse or partners fidelity or infidelity. Not only can professionals that perform cell phone forensic investigations retrieve deleted text, but they can also recover such information as call logs that include call made and received, address book entries that have been erased, sext and SMS messages, photographs and graphics, and a variety of other deleted data. If you decide you should retrieve deleted text when you discover the signs of cheating, this is certainly the way to go.

This type of investigation is in no way comparable to SIM card readers, which are actually devices that are highly frowned upon by professionals. This is because the use of SIM card readers have become well known for the damage and destruction that they can cause to data trying to be recovered.
Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in spotting the Signs of Cheating and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Sunday, August 8, 2010

If You Notice Signs of Cheating, Does it Always Mean Infidelity?

When any person notices the signs of cheating occurring within their marriage or relationship, the first thing they generally wonder is if it always means that their partner is engaging in some type of infidelity. In many cases, once an individual begins seeing the signs of cheating, it does in fact mean that their partner or spouse is up to no good. However, there are also many cases where there is absolutely no unfaithful activity going on at all. This is simply because every single person has their own ideas and views of what they believe to be the the red light warning signals that some type of unfaithful act or infidelity is going on within their relationship.

One of the best and most effective ways of finding out for sure if the signs that you believe to be valid reasons for worrying are in fact signs that your marriage or relationship is in trouble is through an online infidelity investigation. This type of investigation is actually one of the best services available today that has helped countless individuals prove or disprove their suspicions that an unknown person is invading their territory.

Many unfaithful partners and spouses believe that when they register with sites such as porn, escort, or dating sites, that if they erase their browser history, there will be no way for their partner to find out what they have been up to. This is of course untrue. Experienced private investigators that perform online infidelity investigations have the ability to obtain information about sites such as these that your partner has registered with. They can also obtain information that pertains to a wide variety of social networks like Myspace and Facebook, fetish sites, and swinger sites. Sadly, there are as many as 30% of the individuals that register with online dating websites that have already committed to a spouse and are involved in a marital relationship. An online infidelity investigation is a very effective way to learn if your spouse or partner is included in this percentage and put your worries to an end.

As soon as you believe that your partner is showing you the signs of cheating, it would benefit you and your relationship to consult with an expert in the field of computer infidelity investigations. Many people wonder if the signs of cheating they are noticing always means that infidelity is occurring.

Look for the signs of cheating!!!

Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in identifying the Signs of Cheating and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Thursday, August 5, 2010

How to Recover Deleted Text From a Palm PDA Cellular Device

Have you had the shock of your life of finding your wife texting another man? Or, maybe you caught a glimpse of your husband deleted text messages off of his cell phone. Unfortunately there is a large number of men and women all over the world that have run into this very same type of situation, and it is not something that is getting any better by any means. Infidelity seems to continuously weed its way into an endless number of people's lives, and in its path it causes a tremendous amount of turmoil and pain. After an individual catches a spouse or partner right in the act of erasing any data that could have very well been the evidence you needed to confront them on their cheating, there are several people that often still wonder if there is a way to recover deleted text messages so that they can either resolve the problem or move on.

With the way cheating has become such a huge problem in our society, there are more people all the time who are contacting experts to perform cell phone forensic investigations on their Palm OS PDA cellular device. Not only can they recover deleted text messages that have been made and received, but they can also retrieve the following deleted data as well:

* SIM contact information that has been erased from the device
* To do list
* Memory image
* Information contained in the address book
* Device properties
* Memo
* JPEG images
* Date book
* Call logs that include the duration and time of calls received and made
* Other data that has been erased

You should always use an expert investigator that knows how to recover deleted text from your Palm OS PDA cellular device. Using over-the-counter SIM card readers is not recommended, as this will often lead to data that is completely destroyed, which means you will no longer be able to retrieve it.

An experienced professional that has the right tools and the knowledge that is needed to properly perform a cell phone forensic investigation can ensure that there will be no damage done to the data contained on the device. After sending in the phone that holds the data that you need undeleted, they will use specific tools to retrieve deleted text and any other data that is needed, and then you will be sent a disk that holds detailed information of the information recovered.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted Palm PDA texts and other useful information please click here now:===> http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Effective Methods to Combat Cyber Stalking

Cyber stalking can be a very frightening experience. Often individuals who are the victims of this occurrence feel invaded and unsafe even in their own home. A large number of people use the internet as a safe way to explore the world and when that safety is invaded it can leave a person feeling vulnerable and scared. This is the very thing that cyber stalkers depend on when they use the internet to victimize individuals. The important thing to remember here is that you don't have to be a victim; there are ways that you can fight back and put a stop to this type of harassment.

Internet investigations can go a long way toward identifying individuals who choose to use cyber stalking as a way of intimidating people. The most popular type of internet investigation used for this purpose is a reverse email look-up. This type of investigation can uncover more than just the identity of the person harassing you, it can also find out other important details. Some of the data that can be obtained through this process also includes address and phone number, internet service provider and browser information, where the person works, where the emails originated from and even what websites the person visits.

A proper reverse email trace consists of much more than what websites claiming to offer this service can provide. Many times these websites are ineffective and recover little or no helpful information. The best course of action in identifying cyber stalking offenders is to look to the professionals. These investigators are highly trained in the process of getting the necessary information to stop cyber stalkers in their tracks. After this information is obtained you will get a detailed report of this data which generally takes anywhere from a day to two weeks, depending on the situation at hand.

Once you have the details of the person you believe is cyber stalking you, the next step is to take the necessary action to put a stop to the stalking. The first thing to do is provide all the information you have as well as whatever proof you may have to the proper authorities. You should never attempt to resolve a situation such as this on your own. You never know what the person on the other end of the harassment is capable of and you should always leave this part to the professionals.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Review of EmailRevealer.com's Investigation Services
Emailrevealer.com - Emailrevealer Company News Section

Friday, July 16, 2010

EmailRevealer.com -Is Your Husband Having Sex With Escorts

Do you suspect a man in your life is having sex with escorts? There are very few things that a woman will find more repulsive than the idea of the man that she loves having cheap anonymous sex with an escort in some sleazy motel room. It's a huge betrayal to the trust one should have in a relationship. It exposes your family to disease, blackmail and extortion, drugs and possible criminal prosecution.

There are some basic signs that should raise your suspicions of your man cheating with an escort.
1 .Missing time.
2. Missing money.
3. Change in sexual habits or interests.
4. Secretive behavior.

Suspicion is one thing, paranoia is another. What you need is poof! But how can you get the evidence to relieve your suspicious mind? Sex with a prostitute is often anonymous.The transactions are usually in cash.You can hire a PI to follow your man around all day but that could be very expensive. Most private investigators charge $125 an hour and up for surveillance.

A recent survey revealed that up to 85% of all prostitutes interviewed worked for escort services, most of those escort services have web sites to advertise their company. The rise of Internet based escort services is a relatively new phenomenon that has only been around the last 10 years as the Internet has grown in use. Years ago escort service were advertised by word of mouth, referrals and a few discreet ads in the phone book. Today in the competitive world of Internet marketing a single escort service may have dozens if not hundreds of Internet entries. Web pages, blogs, Myspace, directories, review sites. Even some adult orientated dating services will cater to and promote prostitutes and their escort service.

So today a man looking for sex with an escort will have to look no farther than his computer. He can sign up to dating services, create secret email accounts, secret Myspace pages, even post reviews on web communities dedicated to escorts and their clients. What that cheating man does not realize is that all of his online activity can be tracked and traced by an online private investigator for a fraction of what it would cost to follow him around for just a couple of hours.

A private investigator that is trained in Internet investigations can locate and identify every one of those secret email accounts and secret personal ad memberships that your man is using to meet and have sex with escorts. This can be done without any illegal hacking or cracking or downloading any key loggers or spy ware. You can even spy on his activity from his work computer or other computers that you do not have access.

Sex with prostitutes, Internet porn addiction, secret social network sites that mentions drug use , gambling, substance abuse and inappropriate associations are all factors that can be brought up in a child custody hearing. If you find out your children's father is involved in these types of repulsive behaviors and decide to divorce, this evidence can and should be submitted to the court for consideration in awarding custody and visitation.

If you have suspicions you should , for the safety of your family, find out the truth. If you decide to hire an online investigator be sure to research the investigator and the company involved to see if they are recognized as an expert in online infidelity investigations.

Ed Opperman, Preseident of Opperman Investigations Inc is considered an expert in Online Infidelity Investigations. If you suspect cheating visit http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Press Release :
EmailRevealer Online Investigations - Review of EmailRevealer.com's Services

Monday, July 12, 2010

Is Your Teen on Drugs - Recover Deleted Texts For the Truth

Over the years drugs have become more and more widely available to the younger generation. It seems every year the kids on drugs get younger and younger. A parent's worst nightmare is the possibility that their teen may be using illegal drug substances. No matter how much you talk to your teens, chances are high that at some point they will experiment with drugs. Chances are also high that they won't tell you about it. Many times when confronted they will deny the mere thought of using drugs. If your teen is like so many others, a cell phone most likely is always present. If this is the case you can recover deleted text from their phones to get answers about possible drug use.

Technology has now developed ways to recover deleted text through a forensic investigation of a cell phone. Other information that can be obtained through this type of investigation may include deleted contact information such as names and phone numbers, deleted pictures and video files, incoming and outgoing calls, how long the calls lasted and even voice mail messages. All of this information combined will be able to give you a general idea about your teens possible drug use.

Many people believe that SIM card readers work to recover deleted text; however, this is often not the case. These card readers are often ineffective and should be avoided at all costs. This is because many SIM card readers actually damage and even destroy the information that it should be reading. Once this information is destroyed it cannot be recovered, which results in frustration on the part of the parent. Information destroyed by SIM card readers cannot be read which means that parents will still not have the answers they are so desperately trying to find.

If you are concerned that you're teen may be using drugs or involved in other illegal activities this is definitely an option you will want to consider. By turning to a professional investigator to recover deleted text you can get answers to the tough questions that many teens either deny or avoid altogether. It is definitely well worth the time, money, and effort to know what kind of activities your teen may be involved in. Having the answers to these difficult questions will also give you an advantage in knowing what steps to take to deal with these issues effectively.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted texts and other useful information please click here now:===> http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Protect Your Internet Experience and AOL Mail From Cyber Stalkers

The World Wide Web is a fantastic tool for individuals to research and learn about an endless number of subjects, as there are many different websites that you can browse through that have some very informative information. It is also a great place to meet new friends that share common interests, get in touch with relatives that you have lost contact with, it can be a work environment, and it can also be a place to have an endless world of fun and excitement. With all of the positive aspects that can be found on the Internet, there is also a downfall. Unfortunately there are numerous cyber stalkers that lurk in many different places on the web, hiding in wait to find a victim to stalk and harass. There are times that individuals are stalked by complete strangers they do not know, but then there are also times that victims receive continuous emails with harassing messages and scary threats by someone that they do know.

Of course the authorities should be notified and a police report should be filed as soon as possible when this is a problem that happens to you, but there is also something else that you can do to stop the activities of cyber stalkers. Contacting an expert that performs reverse email look-ups is a step in the right direction that can provide you with detailed information on exactly who the individual is that seems to be fixated on your messengers and your AOL email account. You can learn the person's full name, the phone number they use as a contact number, the address where they live, and many other pieces of helpful information that will give the authorities everything they need to catch the stalker and identify them.

There are several other procedures that can take several days, or even several months before individuals are able to obtain the data being retrieved. However, with a reverse email look-up, most people only have to wait about 24 hours before the investigator provides them with complete detailed information on the cyberstalker. With cases that are much more in depth, it can sometimes takes around two weeks before you are provided with the information to identify the person who has been causing you so much frustration and fear.

When cyberstalkers are out on the prowl and they have targeted you as a victim of their uncontrollable desires to threaten and harass, filling your email inbox every single day with unwanted messages, contact a professional to perform a reverse email trace.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman
Recent Articles:
Is Your Teen on Drugs - Recover Deleted Texts For the Truth

Friday, July 9, 2010

Don't Put Up With Harassment of Cyber Stalkers - A Reverse Email Search Can Identify the Criminal

It is very important that individuals that spend time on the Internet do not just put up with the threatening harassment of cyber stalkers. In many cases when people simply ignore the activities of these criminals, it can often turn into a real life problem that can be very frightening and dangerous. It is important to contact local authorities as soon as this type of activity takes place. Then you should take further steps to protect your family. This can be easily done by consulting with a private investigator that has specialized knowledge in a reverse email search that can identify the criminal that is invading your email inbox.

Stalking is a serious and scary problem that affects more individuals every single year, and it often completely ruins the exciting experience that people are supposed to be able to have when they get online. The activities of cyber stalkers can become especially frightening when they begin to send threatening or harassing emails to one of your children's Hotmail, Gmail, Ymail, AOL, or other type of email account. Although people that engage in stalking may think its just innocent fun that they are having online, criminals such as this need to be held for this type of crime. So, do not just put up with the harassment of cyber stalkers when there are experienced professionals that can help put this type of problem to an end. A reverse email look-up investigation can assist the proper authorities into finding the true identity of the stalker that is sending constant bothersome emails to your inbox.

When this has become the type of experience that you or one of your family members have had to endure, all you need to do is provide the cyber stalkers email address to a well-know private investigator and they can begin the process of a reverse email search to identify the individual causing your family frustration. It does not take long at all to receive a full detailed report, which holds a lot of helpful information. Not only will it give information revealing the identity of the cyber stalker, but lots of other information is generally included such as their address, job information, their name, telephone number, and other types of information. When you can use such a beneficial service as a reverse email look-up to identify a criminal, there is no reason to put up with harassment of cyber stalkers.
Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your email search needs. He offers cyber stalking investigations, internet infidelity investigations, reverse email lookup and much more. To learn more about reverse email lookup and other useful information please click here now:===> http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Thursday, July 8, 2010

How to Recover Deleted Text Messages From a Sanyo CDMA Cellular Phone

As popular as cell phones are with teenagers, you would almost think that they were born with them attached to their body. Just think about it, if they happen to get grounded and their phone is taken away, they act as if you have just removed their lifeline. Although most of our teens just use these devices to stay in contact with their close friends and family members, there are times when they can become tempted to engage in activities that they have no business sticking their noses. A few of the more common problems that many parents face is sexting with their girlfriends or boyfriends, and bullying other teens that they have gotten into arguments with. Another big problem that some parents also face is illegal drug use. Each of these are generally problems that you will find evidence of in their cellular devices. This is because these devices are their favorite form of communicating with others and is where most of their conversations take place. If a parent notices any hint that their teenager is engaging in any of these types of situations, it is recommend that you consult with a professional investigator that knows how to recover deleted text messages from a Sanyo CDMA cellular phone.

Experts that are knowledgeable in cell phone forensic investigations can easily retrieve data from your teens cellular device. This makes it easier for parents to obtain information they need to see if there are problems that need to be addressed. A PI can recover deleted text, SMS history, NV memory dump, phone book information, GUID properties, device properties, call history, file system, and other data that has been erased from the cellular device.

One mistake that some parents have made that you will want to make yourself aware of, is the use of over-the-counter SIM card readers. Using these readers can end up with more problems, as they are bad about destroying data as the process is being performed, making it impossible to be recovered again. Investigators that perform cell phone forensic investigations use equipment that costs thousands of dollars and will not destroy data they are retrieving for you. Many times even when they go to retrieve deleted text, several different tools have to be tried before they find one that matches up to a Sanyo CDMA device, and matching store-bought counters is close to impossible.

If you are concerned about any of your teens activities, the best investigative tool that can be used is offered by experienced investigators that know what their doing. They can recover deleted text and other data in as little as 48 hours.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman
Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===> http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Have an Expert Recover Text Messages If You Think Your Husband is Cheating

Unlike just a few years ago, there are countless innocent women of today that have a huge advantage in fighting back against infidelity that just was not available in the past. In days gone by when a women needed to catch cheating partners, all they had to rely on was getting lucky enough to catch their spouse in the act. In our fast-paced world of ever-changing technology there is a much easier way to achieve this task. Almost every person these days takes advantage of the benefits that are found in carrying around a cell phone. Another thing that is done by many of the individuals who carry these devices, is unacceptable behavior that they engage in while they are having an affair. A telltale sign that your spouse is more than likely carrying on in a relationship other than the one he committed to you in, is if you begin to notice your husband deleting text messages. No longer do women have to try to sneak around to catch cheating partners as they follow them all over town, when it is much easier to simply have an expert recover deleted text messages.

A professional expert that knows how to undelete deleted text messages and other data can perform a cell phone forensic investigation in hardly no time at all. After you send in your blackberry or cellular device, the investigation is performed and then you will receive detailed information on a disk concerning the incriminating evidence that was found on the phone. Aside from being able to recover text messages, an expert in the field of cell phone forensic investigations can also obtain the following:

- Videos
- Caller ID
- Call records containing detailed information like the duration and time calls were made and received
- Email addresses
- Pictures and graphics
- Address book
- Contact names and telephone numbers
- Text messages
- Sext messages
- Other deleted data

There is absolutely no need to sit around worrying when you have professionals available to recover deleted text and other forms of data that could end up being just the evidence you need to confront your husband about the infidelity he has been engaging in.

You should only use a professionals when you want to recover deleted text however. There are SIM card readers that can be bought over-the-counter, but you are taking a big chance in destroying all of the phone's data. Investigators with thousands of dollars in tools even have to try several different tools before they locate the one that works just right for specific cellular devices.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and other useful information please click here now:===> http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fed Up With Cyber Stalkers? You CAN Get the Harassment Stopped!

For some individuals, one of the most irritating problems they have when they get on the Internet is the continuous irritation they face with email after email being sent to their AOL inbox from a cyber stalker that has been unrelenting about sending threatening and harassing messages. This is a serious and very frightening problem that no-one should ever have to worry about. If this is a situation you face, the first thing you will want to do is notify the proper authorities, because there are many cases like this that turn into real-life stalking. Unfortunately, for the people that use AOL, it is very easy for cyber stalkers to come up with a person's email address, and this is because their email address is the very same as the individuals screen name. If you are an innocent victim that has become the latest target of cyber criminals, and you have become completely fed up, you will be happy to hear that there is an effective service available to use where you CAN get this form of harassment stopped.

A reverse email look-up is a unique type of investigation that professional investigators use to put an end to the harassment and fear that cyber stalkers are known for causing. A reverse email trace does not take a lot of time to conduct either, which means when you have this type of investigation done, you can receive the results in a very short amount of time. The only thing that is required when you become fed up with the actions of cyber stalkers is the email address they have been using to send threatening messages from. You can get the threatening and harassing emails stopped with this type of investigation, because it provides you with everything you need to hand over to the authorities.

When a reverse email look-up investigation is performed, innocent victims can learn information such as the identity of the cyber stalker, their name, telephone number, physical street address, where they work, their ISP, websites they visit, and many other important pieces of information. This makes it much easier for a report to be filed, ensuring the guilty party pays for their wrongdoing. There are already numerous cyber stalkers that have been identified when victims find out you can get the harassing emails stopped. If this is the type of problem you are having and you've become fed up, contact experienced investigators that can get the problem stopped in no time at all.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyberstalking investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com/
Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Do You Think You Know Who Is Cyber Stalking You, But Need Proof?

Although not much can generally be done at the time, it is extremely important to file charges when you experience problems with a cyber stalker. The lack of attention is not because authorities have no concern for problems such as this, it is generally because they flat do not have the manpower that is needed to try to find out who the guilty party is, and then also gain enough evidence that gives them the power to charge these criminals with a crime. Even when a victim knows who it is that is continuously sending them harassing emails containing threats, vulgar language, and frightening them half to death, the authorities still require some type of concrete proof before anything can actually be done. Believe it or not, in numerous cases of stalking, the person that is sending threatening emails over and over is often someone that the victims knows. There are times that it is an ex-boyfriend, a friend the victim no longer hangs around with, and sometimes it is even a family member that is angry about a confrontation that occurred.

If you find yourself in this situation, the best thing you can do to gain incriminating evidence that can help put an end to the threats and constant harassment your finding in your email inbox is to speak with a professional that knows how to perform a reverse email look-up. An experienced private investigator can not only help you put an end to the problem, but they can also provide you with very incriminating evidence that will help the proper authorities stop the cyber stalker from every frightening another innocent victim.

Many people find it completely unbelievable just how much information that can actually be obtained when this type of procedure is performed. Not only are you provided with the name and telephone number of the cyber stalker, but you also receive their address as well. Employment information, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) they use, and other forms of evidence can also be retrieved that will help tremendously in proving your stalking case. It simply does not make since for victims of stalking to consult with knowledgeable private investigators that are trained in this specific type of investigation. This is a beneficial service that can free you of the fear stalking can cause. In many cases investigators also offer a no-hit no-fee policy. This means there is absolutely no expense to you when no information about the cyber stalker is obtained.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit www.emailrevealer.com

Friday, June 4, 2010

Retrieve Deleted Text to See if Your Teen is Taking Your Prescription Drugs

A huge problem in the last few years is teenagers that are getting into and taking their parents prescription drugs. What is so bad about this is there are countless parents that are completely oblivious to this type of behavior. To make matters worse is it is such a serious problem that it can not only cause serious injury to the teen, but in some cases it can even cause loss of life. Warnings are being made known to parents continuously but many of them have no idea how to find out if this problem is occurring right in their own home. One of the easiest ways to find out such important information is to speak with an experienced investigator that has the knowledge to retrieve deleted text from your teenager's cell phone. In most cases children are misled into believing that if they erase messages and other data from the phone that it is no longer retrievable, however this is simply untrue.

Since most teens text back and forth with their friends about everything going on in their life, chances are that parents will easily be able to find out if they are getting into their prescription medications and taking them, when they retrieve deleted text. When a cell phone is sent to an experienced professional, they can generally perform a cell phone forensic investigation in as little as 7 days. After it has been completed, parents are sent detailed information on a disk with all the data that has been retrieved.

Text, sext, and SMS messages, telephone numbers and names of contacts, email addresses, graphics and photos, call records with time and duration of calls made and received, and a variety of other data can be recovered from cell phones when this type of investigation is performed. When experts retrieve deleted text, it gives parents the power to learn of the activities their teen is engaging in that they would otherwise have no way of knowing.
Expert investigators have thousands of dollars worth of forensic equipment that can retrieve deleted text and various other pieces of data without worrying of harming the phone or the information being recovered. This is not the case when people try to use SIM card readers that can be found in over-the-counter form. These readers are known for actually destroying data on the cell phones, which is why their use is highly discouraged.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===> http://www.emailrevealer.com/

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Effective Methods to Combat Cyber Stalking

Cyber stalking can be a very frightening experience. Often individuals who are the victims of this occurrence feel invaded and unsafe even in their own home. A large number of people use the internet as a safe way to explore the world and when that safety is invaded it can leave a person feeling vulnerable and scared. This is the very thing that cyber stalkers depend on when they use the internet to victimize individuals. The important thing to remember here is that you don't have to be a victim; there are ways that you can fight back and put a stop to this type of harassment.

Internet investigations can go a long way toward identifying individuals who choose to use cyber stalking as a way of intimidating people. The most popular type of internet investigation used for this purpose is a reverse email look-up. This type of investigation can uncover more than just the identity of the person harassing you, it can also find out other important details. Some of the data that can be obtained through this process also includes address and phone number, internet service provider and browser information, where the person works, where the emails originated from and even what websites the person visits.

A proper reverse email trace consists of much more than what websites claiming to offer this service can provide. Many times these websites are ineffective and recover little or no helpful information. The best course of action in identifying cyber stalking offenders is to look to the professionals. These investigators are highly trained in the process of getting the necessary information to stop cyber stalkers in their tracks. After this information is obtained you will get a detailed report of this data which generally takes anywhere from a day to two weeks, depending on the situation at hand.

Once you have the details of the person you believe is cyber stalking you, the next step is to take the necessary action to put a stop to the stalking. The first thing to do is provide all the information you have as well as whatever proof you may have to the proper authorities. You should never attempt to resolve a situation such as this on your own. You never know what the person on the other end of the harassment is capable of and you should always leave this part to the professionals.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit www.emailrevealer.com

Friday, May 21, 2010

Recover Deleted Text to Catch Cheating Lovers

Chances are if you are or ever have been involved in any type of romantic relationship, the thought of a cheating lover has crossed your mind. In the majority of cases the problem with this scenario is proving it. Even confronting the cheating party often does not produce effective results because often honesty is a factor that is found to be seriously lacking. This is when it may become necessary to turn to a professional to recover deleted text from your partner's cell phone to get the information that your partner often won't give you. To some people this may seem sneaky and dishonest but it is often the only way to get honest answers.

A forensic investigation of a cell phone can uncover a variety of different data that may have been erased from your partner's cell phone. In addition to having the ability to recover deleted text, this type of investigation can also retrieve other key points of information. This data may include contact names and numbers, incoming and outgoing calls, length and time of calls, video and picture files, and many other points of interest. The best part is that all of this information can be recovered even after it has been erased.

At one point in time SIM card readers were thought to be a good way to attempt to recover deleted text privately. The truth of this matter is that SIM card readers are ineffective and very bad to use. The reason they are bad is because they often destroy the very information that is trying to be discovered. This can be a big problem and can be frustrating to the individual trying to uncover the truth. Leave the detective work to the professionals and go for a complete forensic investigation of the cell phone in question. In the end you will be very glad you did.

If you are romantically involved with someone and you think your lover may be cheating, there is a way to catch them. Look to a professional to recover deleted text to get information on exactly who your partner is talking to, as well as what they are talking about. It seems everyone has cell phones and many people don't realize that even when they erase data from their cell phone, it can still be viewed by someone who is trained to get this information. If it turns out that your lover is cheating, you will feel much better knowing the truth and not being left to wonder if your fears have any truth to them.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===> http://www.emailrevealer.com

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cell Phone Forensics - Catch Cheating Partners Before It's Too Late

It can be an extremely devastating situation when a person finds out that their spouse or partner of many years has been hiding the involvement they have had with another person. The sad part about it is there are many times that the infidelity that is occurring in a relationship can go on for a number of weeks, months, or even years before before the innocent partner finds out about the unfaithful behavior. Cell phone forensics is a beneficial service that can help a great deal in situations where an individual believes that their partner is engaging in an affair behind their back, and more specifically if they have been sending or receiving SMS text messages and pictures on their cell phone with their secret lover. Being able to recover deleted text messages with this unique service has the ability to help an endless amount of innocent individuals involved in a serious relationship.

When you hire a professional that has the expert knowledge that is required to perform a thorough forensic investigation on your cellular device, they can quickly and easily retrieve deleted text messages and several other pieces of important information. Some of the other important data that they can recover would include pictures, SMS texts, caller ID information, address book, calls that have been made or received, the length of the calls, and the date and the time that the calls were made or received. A detailed report of the data they find during the cell phone forensic investigation is then given to you on a disc that you will have to use as evidence. There are many times that couples end up being able to salvage their relationship after the guilty party has been confronted and the differences that they were having are able to be worked out. So, if you have any suspicions that your partner is cheating on you and you would really like to put an end to the problems so that each of you can move forward, you will want to consider the use of a cell phone forensics specialist.

There are also other reasons why many people take advantage of the benefits to be had when they have a professional retrieve deleted text message, photos, videos, and other data. Some individuals would like to check up on their teenagers activities, and there have been many cases where sexting or bullying has been found. In an accused partners defense, there are also many times that they can actually prove their innocence when a professional is hired to recover deleted text and photos from their cell phone.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and other useful information please click here now:===> http://www.emailrevealer.com

Friday, May 14, 2010

How to undelete deleted pics to uncover infidelity

Too often, those who are faithful in a relationship are less technically savvy than their could-be cheating partners. Which, this really is unfortunate as today's cheaters are leaving blatant traces of their illicit activity just below the surface, and one small step out of your personal reach. Common to cheaters, pictures, in one form or another, are an integral part of their illicit activity. Maybe your spouse is viewing pornography, maybe they have suggestive images of somebody besides you on their computer or phone, or maybe they have images that were unknowingly stored on their computer while they were browsing websites that they shouldn't have been.

Regardless of which scenario your spouse might fall into, there are ways to undelete deleted pics to uncover extramarital activity.

One of the most effective ways to undelete deleted pics is to have a computer forensics investigation service recover the deleted images for you. In some cases, this is the only way that you will be able to recover the deleted pics that give you proof that your spouse is into something that he or she should not be. Now, truth be told, there is software out there that may help you to undelete deleted pics yourself, and some of it may work well enough for your purposes. However, there are a number of dangers that present themselves for those who try to recover deleted images themselves:

Not all data recovery software is safe. It can be infested with malware, spyware, or just be poorly written software that can compromise your computer.

Comprehensive data recovery takes a long time, especially on large hard drives and on older computers. It may take you hours, or days, to completely scan your computer's hard drive for deleted images, and unless your spouse is gone for a few days, they may catch on to what you're doing.

While there is software available to recover deleted images from computer hard drives, the job becomes more technical, and outright prohibitive, for the average computer user to try to undelete deleted pics from cell phones. Which, if your spouse holds incriminating evidence on their cell phone, you probably will not be able to recover it.

To a computer data recovery expert, extracting deleted images, plus other deleted files -- videos, emails, documents, and so forth, is their job. Not only do they have to skills to be able to piece together partial data, they have the software, and the workspace, that will allow them to recover the deleted images so that you can finally know, for sure, what your spouse is trying to hide from you.

If you really want to find out of your spouse is cheating on you, or, at the very least, is looking at things that they are not supposed to be looking at, computer forensics specialists are the people to seek. While the outcome of the investigation may not be pleasant, at least you can finally know the truth so that you can confront your spouse, and move on with your life, one way or another.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and other useful information please click here now:===> http://www.emailrevealer.com

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

6 Steps To Having Computer Forensic Examination Done

Copyright (c) 2009 Ed Opperman

A computer forensic examination consists of the preservation, identification, extraction, and interpretation of documents that have been at one point stored on a computer. Whether you are looking for evidence from a crime or are simply looking to find information about your spouse, a Certified Computer Forensic Examiner can perform such an examination with six steps.

The first step the examiner will take is establishing some chain of custody. It is important that examiner knows where any items related to the investigation will be located at all times. Many times places like a safe or cabinet is best to secure the items.

Next, the examiner will catalog all relevant information including active, archival and latent data. Any kind of information that has been deleted can be recovered if at all possible and any encrypted information or information that is password-protected will be identified. During this process, an exact copy of the hard drive image will be made and the image is then authenticated against the original to ensure it is the exact copy.

From there, additional sources of information will be obtained depending on how the computer forensic examination is going and what the circumstances are. Some additional sources of information that may need to be obtained include firewall logs, proxy servicer logs, Kerberos server logs or sign-in sheets.

The fourth step during the examination is analyze and interpret all of the information in order to determine what can be used as evidence. The examiner will look for both exculpatory and inculpatory evidence to solidify a decision. In order to ensure the accuracy of the decision, encrypted files and password protected files will be identified.

After collecting all of the necessary information and evidence needed with the case, a written report will then be submitted to the client with whatever findings and comments the investigators have.

Finally, the investigator will provide expert witness testimony at a deposition, trial, or some other form of legal proceeding. Keep in mind that you cannot perform a computer forensic examination on your own. A certified examiner uses licensed equipment that will prevent tainting the evidence and ultimately ensure its validity in court.

When looking for a computer forensic examination, make sure you look for help from a certified examiner. They will be able to help you with whatever problem or evidence you are looking to attain. When performing the examination, the examiner will go through the six steps listed in this article in order to do so legally and efficiently.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted pics and other useful information please click here now:===> http://www.emailrevealer.com

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Computer Forensics nabs Child Pornography Suspect

NEW YORK – U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) special agents took a Long Island man into custody at his home on Feb. 12. The arrest was announced by U.S. Attorney Benton J. Campbell, Eastern District of New York, and ICE Special Agent in Charge James T. Hayes Jr.

Matthew Sasbon, 29, of Mastic, N.Y., admitted to having downloaded and saved pictures and videos of child pornography on thumb drives seized by ICE agents.

According to the complaint, Sasbon admits to trading pictures using the Internet and to viewing child pornography, some of the victims as young as newborns, as recently as two weeks ago.

A preliminary computer forensic examination of a computer in Sasbon’s home revealed a number of video files of apparent child pornography involving prepubescent girls.

“Predators who think they can hide are mistaken – we have agents with the know-how and technology to find them,” said Hayes. “Child pornography is a heinous crime that physically and mentally scars the most vulnerable members of our society – our children.”

The investigation began in Oct. 2008 after ICE special agents with the Child Exploitation Section discovered a publicly accessible Web site used to send and receive child pornography over the Internet. The investigation revealed the Internet address (IP address) was subscribed to Matthew Sasbon’s father.

ICE investigators discovered online chats in which Sasbon used various usernames on his father’s IP address to allegedly receive child pornography and expressed his interest and desire to sexually exploit young children.

This case was part of Operation Predator, which is a nationwide ICE initiative to protect children from sexual predators, including those who travel overseas for sex with minors, Internet child pornographers, criminal alien sex offenders, and child sex traffickers.

ICE encourages the public to report suspected child predators and any suspicious activity through its toll-free hotline at 1-866-DHS-2ICE. This hotline is staffed around the clock by investigators.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

FBI has released Michael Jackson FBI file

By Phyllis Pollack

Michael Jackson's FBI file has been released.

This morning, the FBI declassified Michael Jackson's FBI file.

Some of its contents were disseminated to the Secret Service because of a death threat made against Jackson and against George Bush by a man who attempted to gain access to the White House.

A Los Angeles field office bureau file was opened in 2004 to investigate child molestation allegations. Due to lack of witness cooperation, the case was closed.

The Los Angeles field office opened this file when it was asked by local authorities to provide forensic computer analysis assistance in a child molestation investigation in 2004. The examination of evidence in this case was conducted by the FBI’s Computer Analysis and Response Team (CART). Mr. Jackson was ultimately acquitted of these charges in a California court.

One hundred and twenty-three pages were withheld to protect personal privacy, the identity of sources that provided information to the FBI in confidence, and internal rules and practices or to prevent the disclosure of techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions.

Another part of the file This file involves a request made of the FBI's Critical Incident Response Group to provide advice and assistance to local authorities concerning a child molestation investigation in 2004.

Some information was redacted and held private by the FBI after releasing the file to protect personal privacy and internal rules and practices.

Last week, this Examiner.com column was the first media outlet to break the news that Jackson's file would be released, reporting it at noon Pacific Time on December. 18.

This Examiner.com column was also the first media outlet to report that the file would be declassified today, both on December 18 and earlier today.

The Five Signs He May Be Having a Cyber Affair

Published December 21, 2009 by:
Jan Stankewitz-Hunt

So you think that he's cheating on you but he's not leaving the house? Then he may be having a cyber affair. Look for the following signs.

Sign 1 : He's always on the Internet but you have no clue what he's doing.

Your mate is on the Internet but you have no clue what he's doing on there. When you ask what he is doing he says nothing or stalls and takes forever to come up with a reason for all the late night hours on the net. He never buys anything, talks to anyone or plays games. Install Family Cyber Alert to catch him in the act.

Sign 2 : He suddenly knows what Craigslist is.

Your mate comes to you suddenly and tells you that he saw a great, fill in the blank, on Craigslist and wants to buy it. More than likely he might have been on there looking at their casual encounters section looking for a playmate to talk to. You can always post an ad on their yourself and see if he responds to you.

Sign 3 : He has a new e-mail address that he didn't tell you about.

This e-mail might have been set up to receive e-mails from the other woman or women. You see him checking it but you don't know the password and you ask why but he has no excuse and closes the window before you can see the content. Try sending him something personal to this account and see if you get a response or you can try to crack his password through yahoo.

Sign 4 : He installs cCleaner on your computer.

This program wipes out all Internet history, cookies, temp files and more. You will never know where he has been or what he has been doing. If every time you get on the computer he has used this you might be looking at a cheater.

Sign 5 : He's never in bed when you are.

He says that he needs to finish something and will be to bed in a bit. You wait and when you go downstairs he closes the screen down and shuts off the computer and says he coming to bed. Or he may get up way before you do in the morning to carry on on the net with someone else in another time zone. This man may also not be showing any sexual interest in you no matter what you do to tempt him into it. He may not even be able to preform even though you have put on his favorite nurse outfit.