Friday, October 28, 2011

Signs of Cheating and Cell Phones

A sad but true fact is that many people in today's society must make it a point to stay on top of what the signs of cheating are, whether it be in real life, with the use of a computer, or their spouse or partners use of a cell phone. Once a person has already gone through the frustrations and pain that infidelity can and does often cause, they generally make it a habit to be well-informed on the many different signs of cheating that should be watched for in any type of relationship.

Most everyone these days owns a cell phone and they conduct a large portion of their communication through these devices. This is not only done through incoming and outgoing phone calls that are made, but often times it is done through sending and receiving SMS and text messages. Not only are cell phones commonly used for personal and business use, but individuals that commit infidelity in their relationship have realized that communication with another party can easily be done by using their cell phone, and then they simply erase text messages and other evidence of cheating.

What many of these people are not aware of is that once an innocent partner notices the signs of cheating, there is a way that they can recover erased text messages and other pieces of data even after they have been completely removed from the phone. This is done through what is known as cell phone forensic investigations. Using this type of investigation, an experienced private investigator can easily retrieve erased text messages and other pertinent data that can prove or disprove the innocence or guilt of a spouse or partner.

When you would like to uncover signs of cheating that may be recovered in erased address book entries, phone log, caller ID, photographs and graphics, and other areas where data is stored on a cell phone, consult with a professional that knows how to recover deleted text and other data, which can give you the information you need to confront ythe person that claimed to only have eyes for you.

It is important to note that SIM card readers have become widely known for damaging important data that is trying to be obtained when individuals try to retrieve deleted text using these devices. For this reason cell phone forensic investigations have become much more popular than the use of SIM card readers.

Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for If you have noticed signs of cheating please feel free to visit his web site.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

We live in a fast-paced world of high-tech technology and it seems as if many of the devices of technology are being improved upon almost every single day. While many of them offer huge benefits to a large number of us, there are just as many disadvantages that other individuals also take advantage of. Take the cell phone for example. This is a helpful device that countless citizens benefit from not only in their personal life, but in their professional life as well. Unfortunately, it is also a device that is used far too often by sneaky partners that are engaging in infidelity. Often times they will make phone calls or send and receive text messages, and then they delete them so that their spouse or partner is unable to find them. The good thing is that there IS a way to retrieve deleted text messages from a cellular device. When innocent victims of an affair undelete deleted text from the cellular device their partner was using, it often gives them the evidence they had been waiting on to confront their mate.

A cell phone forensic investigation that is performed by a professional expert that knows how retrieve deleted text messages and other data that can be helpful to individuals that want to catch cheating partners, is actually one of the best legal investigative tools that is available today for undeleting text messages. Not only is this type of investigation beneficial to partners wanting to catch a cheater, but it is also beneficial for parents wanting to check up on teenagers they suspect to be engaged in bullying, sexting, or illegal drugs, and it can also help employers to catch thieving employees.

If things have changed for the worse within your relationship and you have noticed your husband deleting text messages, or you are a spouse that has a wife texting another man, one of the most important steps that you can take is to consult with an expert in the field of cell phone forensic investigations. In a matter of 48 hours or less, a professional expert will retrieve deleted text messages and other very important pieces of data that could serve as the evidence you have been waiting for. Other data often found would include email addresses, caller ID, sext messages, videos, contact names and telephone numbers, graphics and photographs that have been taken, sent, or received, detailed call records that contain times and duration of calls that have been received and made, as well as other helpful data. Once the investigation is complete, you will receive a disk containing the data that was retrieved.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to retrieve deleted text messages and other useful information please click here now:===>

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What Information Do You Need to Stop Harassing Calls?

Have you ever gotten harassing calls before and not been able to stop them? This happens to more people than you think. There is a way that you can stop harassing calls, but only if you know what information you need to achieve that. This article is going to tell you what the important information is that you need to know and how you can find out that information easily.

So, what is the important information that you need to know to stop harassing calls? Here is what you need to find out.

One: The first thing you need to find out is the phone number that the harassing calls are coming from. A lot of the times when a person is going to keep calling you to harass you, they will find a way to block their phone number. It can be difficult to find out a phone number if they have done this, but believe it or not there is a way to learn this, which you will find out about in a minute.

Two: It is very helpful to know the name of the person behind the harassing calls. This will make it much easier for you to stop harassing calls from continuing.

Three: Another thing you want to find out is the address of the person that keeps calling you. This used to be impossible, but it isn't anymore.

So, now that you know what the important information is that you need to stop harassing calls, you need to know how you can easily get that information. There is technology available that is used by 911 dispatchers that you can legally use on your own phones now. It is known as trap line and you will easily be able to get everything set up to start learning the important information you need to know.

Trap line will give you the phone number, name and address of the person behind the harassing calls, but it is only available online. When you get these calls, it can cause you a lot of stress, time and worry. So doing everything you can to stop harassing calls is a smart decision. Don't let the person calling you turn you into a victim, instead you want to fight back and let them know that you are not going to allow this to continue. That is the best way to stop the people that make these calls.

Copyright (c) 2009 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is president of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in telephone harassment investigations. If you need a trap line service with (ANI)Automatic Number Identification visit

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Use an Email Trace Investigation For NonCustodial Abduction Cases


Each year 354000 families find themselves caught in the nightmare of parental abductions.
A parental abduction is defined as "the taking, retention, or concealment of a child or children by a parent, other family member, or their agent, in derogation of the custody rights, including visitation rights, of another parent or family member"

If your child is the victim of a parental abduction you need to act quickly. You need to make contact with the police and establish a rapport with the detectives assigned to your case.
You need to inform your lawyer or if you do not yet have a lawyer, retain one that has experience in parental abduction cases.

You should also hire a private investigator that has dealt with parental abductions. An investigator that has experience in locating missing person, runaway children and ball jumpers should also have handled many parental abduction cases. Be sure the investigator is an expert in modern technology and state of the art Internet investigations.

Today PI's have many resources that can quickly resolve a parental abduction case. They can trace emails and use email tracing technology pinpoint the exact location an email is opened and read. So for instance if they were to send a pretext email to the abductor and the email was opened at a certain address at a certain time the PI could immediately notify the police in that jurisdiction to sweep in and recover the child.

The same goes with cell phone forensics, triangulation,pinging and other telephone investigations. A PI will have contacts and connections that can assist him in locating the user of a cell phone.

Equally important is being aware of Internet investigations. Such as being able to locate a person's secret email accounts, or find secret personal ads and social networking sites like Myspace, Friendster and Facebook.

All of this information will assist an investigator in quickly resolving a parental abduction case. If you do decide to retain an investigator make sure they have successfully resolved parental abduction cases in the past. Make sure they are recognized as an expert in the techniques like email tracing, personal ad investigation and cell phone forensics we described above.
Before hiring the investigator do a quick Google search on their name to see if they are recognized as an authority in non custodial parental abductions. Se if they have any experience in locating people with email tracing, cell phone forensics and Internet investigations.

The author has over 10 years experience in tracking down and identifying cyber criminals. He has expanded and developed these internet tracing skills into the areas of parental abduction cares and locating runaway kids or dangerous bail jumpers with only an email address or screen name.

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Friday, October 7, 2011

A Digital Forensic Investigator Can Recover Deleted Text Messages


You suspect your spouse may be having an affair, but you aren't sure what to do. Do you confront them and cause a fight or possibly accuse an innocent person of something they didn't do? Or do you let the anxiety in your heart and the sick feeling in your stomach just pester on while you do nothing?

The best answer is neither. Find out for sure if your spouse is cheating without having to confront them before having proof. The worst thing you can do is nothing and let your stress and anxiety eat you up alive. That's not a healthy way to live and it will take its toll on your and your kids will sense the change in you.

What you need to do is contact a digital forensic investigator. They can find out the truth and put an end to the constant questions and suspicions in your mind. It doesn't cost a lot and your knowing and not having to deal with suspicions any longer is more than worth it.

There are two investigations that can help you in your quest for the truth. First, you can give out your spouse's email address to an online investigator and they will run it through their database to see if that email address is registered with thousands of dating websites on the internet. You will find out in less than 48 hours. Around 30% of ads on dating sites are by married people.

The second method is through digital forensic examination of a cell phone. If your spouse is talking on their cell phone to a lover or text messaging each other, you can find out, even if all text messages and pictures have been deleted.

You mail the cell phone to the digital forensic investigator and they perform a digital forensic examination of the phone. They can find everything including deleted text messages, deleted caller ID, deleted pictures, deleted address book entries, and more. You can find out everything in under a week.

If your spouse is sending and receiving text messages from a lover, they probably think they are safe from being caught after deleting them, but they are wrong! Everything deleted can be recovered so if they are cheating, then you will have solid proof.

Either way, you deserve to know if your spouse is being faithful or not on the vows they made and you deserve to choose to be with someone who is faithful to you.

Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in Internet Infidelity Investigations and Computer and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit

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