Saturday, July 30, 2011

Can A Private Investigator Help in Finding a Runaway?

Many times as a private investigator you'll receive a desperate phone call from a worried parent begging for help in finding a runaway. The novice PI might refer the parent to local police and call it a day. They know that databases are useless in finding a runaway since they are likely under 18 and have no reported credit history reported to credit headers.

Although it's unlikely you'll find a runaway using standard locating or skip tracing techniques it is possible to use old fashioned investigation methods and state of the art forensic technology to find runaways. But you'll need to think outside the box.

In the rest of this article we will attempt to provide a game plane for finding runaways.

1.Make a police report. Be sure to advise the parents to make a police report and establish a rapport with the detectives assigned to the case. These detectives are overworked and you need to make a persona; impression on them.

2. Make a detailed list of all the child's friends. Especially boyfriends and girlfriends. You'll need names , addresses, pictures, names of their parents and their friends too.

3. Secure the child's computer, cell phone, blackberry etc. These devices will have evidence like detailed emails, text messages pics and caller Id. All these things can be recovered by a forensic examination but not unless the devices are secured. If you use them or tamper with them in any way you'll be overwriting evidence.

4. Locate secret emails, blogs, Myspace and personal ads.

All of the above information will be a wealth of solid leads for you to follow up with. Interview their friends and the friends of friends. Locate emails and trace the emails to see where they are being read. Usually in the first weeks a teen that has run away they will stay with friends. Contact the people on their Myspace list to see what they know. Contact the people on their personal ads to see if they know anything.

Kids that run away will have little to no resources so they will rely on their parents. They will use the family cell phone and email accounts. This activity can be traced by a private investigator that has experience in this area. If they leave behind a laptop or cell phone these devices can be examined forensically to uncover deleted emails and text messages, pics and address book entries.

If you are going to take on a case that involves finding a runaway you should be experienced in digital forensics, online investigations and email tracing. If you are not you should outsource that portion to an investigator that is experienced in those areas and how they apply to finding a runaway

The author has over 15 years experience in tracking down and identifying cyber criminals. He has expanded and developed these internet tracing skills into the areas of catching cheating spouses online and locating runaway kids or dangerous bail jumpers with only an email address or screen name.

Article Source:

Friday, July 29, 2011

EmailRevealer Launches Internet Gambling Addiction Investigation Service

Colorado Springs, Colorado July 29, 2011 -
A recent study revealed that in America, approximately 2.5 million adults suffer from compulsive gambling, about 3 million are considered problem gamblers, around 15 million adults are at risk of becoming problem gamblers.148 million fall under the low risk gambler category.

That's why an Internet investigations service run by Ed Opperman of Opperman Investigations Inc has launched a custom designed investigative service aimed at obtaining evidence of Internet gambling addiction.

Retrieving evidence of an Internet gambling addiction, can prove to be beneficial when one is trying prove a parent is unfit in child custody litigation. However, due to legal restrictions and privacy laws, consumers are not generally able to access the membership lists of online gambling sites without a court ordered subpoena.. This is why Email Revealer’s new Internet Gambling Addiction Investigation can be helpful in child custody litigation.

According to Ed Opperman, the owner of and the inventor of this new service, “This [Gambling Addiction Investigation] is an excellent legal method of obtaining evidence of a gambling addiction. So far we have had great sucess, much better than the dating Service Infidelity Investigation"

Opperman’s web site,¸ describes Internet gambling investigation as being for people that have noticed signs of gambling addiction and suspect their partner is betting online with a secret online betting account.

"The way the search works is we take a suspected gamblers email address and use it to search all the online gambling web sites. We return a report of a list of sites the email is registered on " Says Opperman. "It's better than the dating site search because people use a real verified email address to gamble with because they want to get paid if they win"

Email Revealer’s email tracing services are not limited to gambling or infidelity, however. Alongside locating cheaters and gamblers, their Reverse Email Search Investigation services can locate or identify cyber stalkers or people engaged in Online defamation. It can also locate people like bail jumpers or run away teens.


Email Revealer is an online investigation service that specializes in investigating extramarital activity. In addition to their computer and cell phone forensics services, Email Revealer provides personal ad investigations, porn and escort web site investigations, and dating service investigation. For more information on Email Revealer’s Gambling Addiction Search , visit

Ed Opperman
Opperman Investigations Inc #211
1837 S. Nevada Ave
Colorado Springs CO 80905
702 897 0061


New Forensic Tool Reports On iPad Location Tracking Feature

Have you ever wondered where your teens really go when they say they are heading out to the mall? Or do suspect your husband might be off visiting an ex girlfriend on the other side of town when he says he's working late? If you have these kinds of suspicions and worries there may be a very high tech solution to bring answers to your questions.

Cell phone forensic experts have developed new tools to exploit the highly publicized iPhone location tracking feature that was all over the news in early 2011.So now if you want to know where your spouse or teens have been over the past few weeks, months or even years. You can have the iPhone examined and receive a detailed report that includes all the locations the phone has been.

The new forensic tool available to police and private investigators and other professionals will downloads these tracking points from your iPhone and display them in Google Earth as well as give you the details in a spreadsheet. It really is an amazing advancement in cell phone forensics and provides the kind of detailed data that most people are seeking when they have suspicions of infidelity or other misbehavior.

Forensic consultants can recover and document the data tracking points stored on an iPhone for iOS versions through 4.3.2. Apple stopped storing this data in areas recoverable by the forensic tools in iOS version 4.3.3. If a phone is running iOS v4.3.2 or earlier, the forensic consultant can recover every data location point stored in a phone. One iPhone that was processed had over 10,000 tracking points showing a detailed history of every location that phone was in for the last two years. The data is displayed in Google Earth and includes time/date stamps of each location. This same tool can also be used on iPads as well. Recovering every tracking point that device has visited.

This is the kind of high tech information gathering that rivals anything you see on CSI TV shows and it's available to the average soccer mom to keep tabs on her husband and teens. If you want to track the iPhone of a spouse, a teen, an employee or a lover. It can be done. It's a very simple process that would require you to ship your iPhone out for the examination but the device would come back a few days later undamaged, intact, no worse for wear.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

Article Source:

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Casey Anthony Did Not Make 84 Internet Searches For Chloroform

Like everyone else I followed the Casey Anthony trial coverage live on TV. When I was listening to the testimony of Cacheback software developer John Bradley ,regarding 84 searches for chloroform obviously my ears perked up. But as a computer forensic examiner myself my first assumption was that it must be an error. It's just far too unusual for any person to sit down in front of a keyboard and type in 84 searches for one keyword. There's simply no reason to do it.

When I heard that Mr Bradley had created a custom fix on his sofware to examine the Anthony's computer I was convinced it was a glitch. It's far too common for a custom software patch to contain a glitch. This is perfectly understandable and common and no reflection on Mr Bradley or Cacheback.

After hearing that encase did not confirm the findings I was convinced the report was incorrect. I wanted for the defense to bring on an expert but by then it was lost in the cacophony of telephone talking heads all repeating the chant of 84 searches for chloroform.

Finally the record has been set straight by Mr Bradley and I commend his honesty and diligence in reporting to the prosecution and then his follow up press release.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Online Affair? Catch a Cheating Spouse Online

It usually begins the same way: You feel vaguely uneasy in your relationship, but you can't pinpoint where this anxiety stems from. Maybe you have even toyed with the notion that your spouse is having an affair, but quickly dismissed it and felt guilty for even considering that it could be true. This is the first stage.

This 'first stage' that I mention is one marked by denial and tensions that do not dissipate, regardless of how hard you try to ignore them. You probably won't want to search out evidence, because doing so implies a level of acceptance. You blame yourself for being so untrusting. There is no need to feel bad for any of this; it's considered to be a normal part of the process - one that we would all go through in a similar situation!

Nonetheless, reassurance rarely comes and so eventually it will become too much and you'll be willing to seek out the truth - regardless of what it may reveal. The good news, if it could be called that, is this: as time goes on, your cheating spouse will grow progressively more comfortable in his or her infidelity - meaning that he or she will also be growing sloppier at covering his or her tracks.

The third stage moves beyond merely being receptive to the idea of discovering the cold, hard truth, and into the realm of action. By now you've begun researching ways to discreetly find evidence that either clears or condemns your spouse's name - and looking online is an absolutely good idea. In any task, especially a one as delicate as this, research is key.

Stage four goes beyond self-education, as you become read to test this newfound knowledge and put it to good use. The cheapest, cleanest way to take back control of your life is to seek out an "online infidelity investigation". Through this method, you take your spouse's name and you submit it to an online investigator - who will return a list of any and every dating website your spouse's email address is registered to. An online infidelity investigation will not only tell you which site your spouse is using, if any, but it might also be able to provide you with information relating to who they are cheating with as well as how serious that particular relationship has become.

You will need to brace yourself, however, because you may discover that your significant other has been frequenting a fetish website, or even a dating service for homosexuals. So, in short, what you discover may shock and even repulse you. Even if there are no extreme or taboo fetishes involved, a dating site may reveal details about your spouse that you weren't aware of - such as drinking, drug, or gambling habits that had been previously kept secret from you.

Hopefully, with this article you will have taken the first step in reclaiming your life and doing what's best for you - and that is to seek out an online infidelity investigation. Make sure you do your research before choosing an investigator's website - some are better than others, and the best are simply state-of-the-art. Now go and find out the truth!

Ed Opperman, President of Opperman Investigations Inc is considered an expert in Online Infidelity Investigations. If you suspect cheating visit

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Read Deleted Texts To Catch a Cheating Spouse On Valentine's Day

The absolute best time of year to catch a cheating spouse or lover is on Valentines day and the best way to do it is through digital forensics. That is by undeleting their deleted text messages on their cell phone you can read who they're chatting and texting with on Valentine's Day. The one day a year devoted to lovers. The one day a year they are more likely than ever to be in communication with their secret lover.

If your partner is cheating on you it's extremely likely that they will have some kind of contact with their lover on valentine's Day. It may be a phone call, an email or a text message but there will very likely be something. If you have this suspicion then the best way to get the evidence is by cellular forensic. A data recovery process to retrieve deleted text messages from his or her cell phone.

There is a great deal of information you can recover from a cell phone. Everything from text messages to call logs, pics, email, videos and even voice mail messages. In fact there is probably no easier way to uncover a cheating partner than cell phone forensics. you can actually see the times and dates of calls and texts, both incoming and outgoing as well as the content of the deleted emails and text messages.

In order to obtain this evidence you'll need to ship the phone off to a cell phone forensic examination. This type of service is no longer limited to law enforcement investigating homicides. Many private investigators that specialize in infidelity investigations now have access to this kind of high tech forensic equipment and the training to perform this kind of examination for clients. In order to ship off your spouses phone you'll need their approval and permission. But many times just by confronting a spouse with a forensic cell phone examination you can tell by their reaction alone what kind of evidence will be recovered. That is, if they refuse to surrender their phone you know they have something to hide.

So if you suspect infidelity in your marriage or relationship then the best time to uncover that infidelity is Valentine's Day and the best way to do it is cell phone forensic examination to recover deleted text messages. Luckily deleted text messages can be recovered long after they are deleted so that evidence from Valentine's day may still be recoverable months later.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

Friday, July 15, 2011

How to Retrieve Deleted Text Messages and Data From a Sony Ericsson Cellular Phone

If your special someone has broken the trust that has been built in your relationship, by secretly finding another special someone to spend time with, it can certainly be a shocking time in your life to go through. Generally when infidelity occurs with a cheating partner, their cell phones tend to hold quite a bit of incriminating evidence that can be all you need to shut the door on this painful chapter of your life. The best way to recover deleted text messages and other forms of data on a Sony Ericsson cellular device to catch cheating partners is to consult with a leading professional whose specialty is cell phone forensic investigations.

Below you will find a list of some of the common data that can be found when professionals recover deleted text and other data from this type of cellular devices:

- Logs of calls that have been made or received on the cellular device
- Properties of the device
- Names and telephone numbers contained in the device phone book
- Phone book OBEX
- File system
- History of SMS text messages that have been sent and received
- Calendar information

If you have ran into a circumstance such as infidelity and you plan to recover deleted text from a Sony Ericsson cellular device, you should never resort to using a SIM card reader that can be purchased over-the-counter. Making the mistake of using these readers can very well end up with the damage and entire loss of data that you are trying to retrieve. Professionals that own thousands of dollars of specialized tools that are required to perform cell phone forensic investigations will often have to use several different ones before a match-up is made that works just right. You should never try this type of delicate procedure on your own, when the best results can be obtained by professionals that know exactly what they are doing.

Infidelity is just one of the reasons why countless people end up needing to recover deleted text from a Sony Ericsson cellular device. Other situations that call for cell phone forensic investigations would include theft that has been committed by employees, the use of illegal drug substances by teens, bullying, and engaging in sending and receiving sext messages, otherwise known as sexting. All of the questions you may have about these types of situations occurring in your life can be answered in as little as 48 hours after you send the cellular device to a professional investigator.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted Sony Ericsson texts and other useful information please click here now:===>

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Thursday, July 14, 2011

With Holidays Coming Now Is the Perfect Time For a People Finder Search

Is your holiday wish for this season the chance to be able to speak to one of your parents that you haven't been able to speak with in many years? Perhaps you would give nothing more than to be able to spend some joyful time with a long lost love that you let 'get away' so many years ago. Or, maybe you would like to get in touch with and be reunited with a brother, sister, or even a cousin. Holiday dreams such as these can be a dream come true when you consult with an expert private investigator that knows how to perform the service of a people finder search. With the holidays coming, now is the perfect time to find an individual that you would like reunite with using this very beneficial type of investigation.

One of the best things about having professionals perform this type of service, is the fact that it does not require much work on your part. All you will need to do is supply the expert investigator with any information you may have on the person that you would like to find. This information would include the individual's name, the address where they were last known to live, an approximation of their age or their date of birth, and the last known phone number for the person you'd like to find.

It does not take as much time to perform this type of investigation as some people may think. As a matter of fact, in some cases, it could be just a matter of a few days before you are in the arms of a lost love, or talking up a storm with lost family members as each of you catch up on the years you have lost together.

If there have already been several other holidays that have passed by without your family member, your mother, your cousin, or a long lost friend, there is absolutely no need to let another holiday season pass you by without at least trying to get in touch with them. You certainly do not want to end up regretting an over-looked opportunity to reunite with family members or old friends, especially with the holiday season coming up. Now is the perfect time to seize the moment by having a people finder search investigation performed by an experienced private investigator that specializes in this type of investigation.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your people search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about people search and other useful information please click here now:===> in the NEWS!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Can You Get Deleted Cell Phone Texts Messages Without A Subpoena or Court Order?

If you have accidentally erased or deleted a text message from your cell phone it should be a very simple matter to contact your cell phone carrier and get a copy of that deleted text messages from your billing records. Right? Unfortunately it's not a simple process at all. Most cell phone carriers do not have that information available on your bill. You may be able to see the number that the text was sent to or received from but not the actual content of the text message. Other carriers will not even store the content of the message on their server and if they do it may only be for a few months. Now even if you get lucky and your carrier does save your messages and they do store them they still will not release the content of your own text messages to you unless you serve them with a court order or subpoena. That's right, for your own information you will need a subpeona.

The only hope you may have to recover your own selected text messages is a process called cell phone forensics. This is a procedure to forensically examine the internal memory and SIM card on your cellular device to extract and undelete the deleted text messages. This information will then be reduced to an easy to read report. It may seem like a big ordeal. After all you are only seeking to read your own text messages but unfortunately due to new privacy laws passed in the last few years it's nearly impossible to get any cooperation from your carrier to help you get your texts back.

The Telephone companies have become increasingly uncooperative in helping their subscribers in this area. In fact most times when you call the customer service dept or visit the store where you purchases your phone the representative will have no clue at all about cellular forensics and will tell you it's impossible to recover deleted text messages. They will say that once it's deleted it's gone forever. This is simply untrue. Other well meaning sales people might refer you to a SIM card reader. But unfortunately many phones do not store the texts on the SIM and if they do it is only a very small portion of the data available from a cell phone data recover process. maybe as little as the last number dialed or last text sent or received.

The procedure to have your deleted texts recovered is quite simple and inexpensive. You simply need to locate a reputable private investigator or data recovery specialist. You send them your cell phone and they will perform the forensic examination and data recovery. Your phone is returned unaltered and undamaged., You will receive a report that will contain all the data recovered from the phone. This can be much more than just the deleted texts. If can also be pics, voice mails, videos, call logs and other deleted data.

In most cases the cellular forensic consult can testify in court as an expert to support his report should the occasion ever arise. But in other smaller courts like Family court, small claims or TPO court just submitting the report in a motion as an exhibit could be sufficient. If you have a case that may be going to court you should always consult with a competent attorney.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

Article Source:

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How To Use A Reverse Email Search To Locate Someone

By Ed Operman

Are you in a situation where you are desperately trying to locate someone. It could be an estranged lover, a run away teenager or even a dangerous bail jumper. But you need to find this person ASAP and you have tried every trick known to man. One thing you may not have considered is a reverse email search. This is where you investigate an email address to locate and or identify the person behind that email address.

A private investigator trained in email tracing can use an email address to locate someone. Don't be confused about this. many times when you read up about email tracing you'll get instructions on examining email headers and tracing an IP address back to an ISP.That would only return general information about where an email was sent from. That';s not going to help you locate someone from an email address.

Also don't try to use a free or instant data base search to reverse email search your email address. That may only return a recent or past address or even fake information used when they opened up the email account. What you want is a reverse email search investigation. This kind of thorough investigation will not be free or instant but it will return information you can use to locate the person you're seeking.

Although this investigation will include an examination of available headers and even data base searches it will also include limited anonymous email contact with the suspect. This kind of contact is often described as pretexting. That's where you trick the subject of the investigation into revealing their location. A pretext can be as simple as asking where they are. But it can also be much more elaborate sting to pin point their exact location with the suspect realizing they're being traced.

If a subject is emailed and the email contains what's known as a web bug the sender can know general geographic information about the subject just by them opening the email. If they reply you'll get even more information. The investigator may also include a link inside the pretext email. Once the subject clicks on that link even more identifying information is revealed.

Remember a seasoned investigator has been locating and tracking people down long before email or the Internet came into popular usage. They have the skills to locate people with very little identifying information. Having contact information like an email address makes this kind of reverse email search investigation very easy.

The investigator may use a ruse of inserting personal contact information in the email. As the reader tries to check out that information they will find themselves falling into numerous traps that the investigator has set for them. This is often how an email address can be used to locate a runaway teenager or danger bail jumper.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is president of Opperman investigations. If you need a reverse email search to locate a con man, bail jumper, runaway or parental kidnapper please visit

Article Source:

Monday, July 11, 2011

Is It Legal To Read My Spouses Deleted Text Messages?

Every where you go these days you'll see people constantly texting on their cell phone. All this instant communication and the new fad of sexting has the normally jealous spouse on a war path to see exactly what their husband or wife is texting about on their cell phone. They suspect their spouse of infidelity and inappropriate texting and want to read their secret messages. The question we want to address in this article is whether it applies to cellular forensics and recovering deleted text messages from a cell phone.

All this suspicion and jealousy has given rise to fly by night quick buck artists that are offering all kinds of cell phone apps that claim will allow you to eavesdrop or record your spouses cell phone activity. The problem is that not only don't these apps work as advertised they also seem to be illegal. In fact recently several of the companies have been served with subpoenas to turn over their business records which would include their client lists names, addresses and phone numbers. Now I'm no lawyer but a careful reading of 18 U.S.C. 2510. Chapter 119 would lead the average layman to conclude that it is illegal to intercept and read another persons communications.

So it seems clear that installing an eavesdropping app on a spouses cellular phone will get you in hot water. But how about a forensic examination of a cell phone to recover deleted texts? Most private investigators that specialize in this type of work have received calls from clients where it becomes clear that the client is stealing some one else's property in an attempt to read their private communications.

This is clearly illegal. But however the spouse has the consent of the other party or is the legal owner of the phone and has the legal authority to examine the phone then there should be no problems. Unless however the examination of the cellular phone uncovers some other illegal behavior such as child porn or other illegal activity.

But it would appear from a careful reading of the law that cell phone forensics is legal and lawful if the examiner has the permission and consent of the legal owner of the device,. So with their consent the deleted text messages can be recovered, the client can share that information with whoever they wish since they are the owner of the phone.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

Article Source:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Obtain Cell Phone Call Log Records To Prove TRO Violation

If you have a court order restraining another person from contacting you that would include them calling your cell phone. However the cellular service providers can make it nearly impossible to obtain copies of your cell phone call logs before you have your court appearance. In some cases they can take up to 90 days after they have been served until the custodian of records will return a copy of your telephone billing records. most TPO hearings are held 30 days from the time the defendant is served.

However you can obtain the cellular call logs off of the internal memory of your cell phone. The phones memory and or SIM card will store the incoming and out going phone numbers as well as the times, dates and call duration. Unfortunately you cannot submit the phone itself as an exhibit in court. You will need a printed report to attach to your motion. This report can be obtained if you hire a private investigator to do a forensic examination of your cell phone. If needed the forensic examiner can also appear in court as a witness and testify to the findings found in the report.

Not only can a forensic cell phone examination create a detailed report of incoming and outgoing call logs it can also document all text and SMS messages that are on the phone. As well and pics, images, apps, caller ID and other data.

These experts in forensic data recovery can even recover information that has been deleted or erased from the phone. Deleted text messages, erased SMS messages, deleted pics and videos can all be recovered and retrieved from the internal memory of the device. This information is then reduced to a report that can be submitted as evidence in your TRO hearing.

The accuracy of cell phone forensics is recognized by the courts and not only can these reports be used to obtain a conviction but they can also be used to prove a defendants innocence if the corresponding outgoing calls are not present or recoverable from the defendants cell phone. Likewise the content of the text messages in question can be recovered and read by the judge to see if the communication is actually threatening or harassing or not.

So if you have a court hearing approaching that involves a TPO or restraining order violation and the case involves cell phone or text communication in any way you should consult with a private investigator that specialized in cell phone forensics so that you caan obtain all of the evidence possible to litigate your case. This evidence can either prove a TRO violation or demonstrate a reasonable doubt.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

Article Source:

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Why Trace Email - Here Are 4 Reasons

There are several different reasons. You may want to trace an e-mail address. It is becoming more commonplace for people to try to trace e-mail addresses. In this article we will look at four reasons why you may want to trace one.

There are many various ways you can use to trace an email address on the Internet. However, do you know why you would want to trace email? There are a couple of different reasons why people all over need to trace email.

Here are some of the more common reasons why people are tracing an email address back to the owner.

One: Are you getting a lot of spam email and you want to find out where it is coming from? This is one big reason why people are tracing an email address. When you trace email like this back to the owner you can stop them from sending you any other spam emails.

Unwanted junk mail can carry viruses that are harmful to your computer. Plus they are very irritating. Even if you have a spam filter catching your email it can be time consuming scanning it to make sure you are not missing an emails you actually do want to read!

Two: Are you looking for an old friend or family member? Some people trace email to help them find someone that they want to see again. By tracing an email address you will be able to locate that person. Then you can contact them to renew the friendship or relationship with your family member.

Three: You want to do a reverse email search because you have the email address and want to know who's it is.

Four: You have the address and the name of a person but you need to find out their e-mail address. This can be tricky as getting an email address and changing it is so easy to do.

These are four of the more common reasons why people everywhere trace email. You may even have your own reasons that are not so common. Why you are tracing an email address will only be important to you but you still need to know why you are doing the search.

This will make it easier for you find what you are looking for. So take some time to figure out what your reasons are. That will help you stay motivated if the search gets hard.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your trace email address needs. He offers online infidelity investigations, reverse email searches, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: --->

Article Source: in the NEWS!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Expert in Email Tracing Can Use IP Trace to Stop Internet Scams

Internet scams...we've all heard of them happening, and some of us have even been had by one or two. The simple fact remains that they do exist, and it seems that the masterminds behind them aren't getting tired nor are they slowing down anytime soon. So, we have to rely on the experts to catch them, the ones who specialize in email tracing.

A private investigator who is an expert in email tracing is able to use an IP trace to pinpoint the source of an internet scam. All that is needed is one single email that was sent from the internet scam site. The email will be stripped and the header extracted for thorough investigation.

Normally, an email trace will be performed to pull any personal details about the sender of the email, such as the full name, address and phone number when available. The ISP of the culprit is also determined, and can be used immediately to file an abuse report and at least temporarily stop the internet scam from continuing.

To take things a step further, a private investigator will also do an IP trace to determine the location from which the email was sent. So, if the scam artist is operating out of his home or somewhere else, you should be able to find out. Also, most experts will perform a header comparison to check for signs of previous related incidents. With a list of possible suspects on hand, it should be fairly easy for a private investigator to close in on the persons responsible...they will either rule out names or single them out for further investigation.

Email tracing can be a great time saver, especially when you have a first encounter with an internet scam. Most of these scam artists hide themselves so well that it's nearly impossible for you to be able to give any information about them and it actually lead authorities to them. So, you get a private investigator to do a little digging first.

You could certainly take on the task of doing these things yourself, using the free tools online. But, you won't get the results you want or need. You can attempt to find the identity of the person sending you the scam emails with a free email lookup, but you're not likely to get their real name. You can also use the IP lookup tools available and trace the IP from which the email was sent. Chances are this is going to give you a dead end too, only turning up the ISP and the location from which the IP was issued. Neither of these results will do you any good in putting an end to internet scams, and these scam artists are well aware of the fact.

The are many private investigators available to lend their services to you, but you must be sure they are an expert. More importantly, they should be an expert in email tracing and have experience with internet scams.

Ed Opperman, President of Opperman Investigations, is an expert in IP address tracing and has over 10 years experience in online investigations. For more information, visit now!

Article Source:

Thursday, July 7, 2011

4 Reasons Why You Need to Do a Background Check

By Ed Opperman

It is easy for people to simply trust an individual they had just met. However, while acting on good faith is a noble trait, many have also lost millions off their investments because they relied too much on another person's word about his or her personal background. It is high time, therefore, that a background check come to order.

A background check is one way of making sure that you're investing money, time and effort in someone you can trust. It will guarantee that the person has the right goods and experience to help you succeed in the future. Reports will serve as material evidence that separates fact from fiction. Because it covers several years of history, you can then gauge the individual's long term credibility. Some of the reasons why people have background checks are:

1. People willingly put in a lot of their savings into a business deal. All investors and persons involved in the financial transaction maximize security by preventing fraud and making sure that everyone is truly capable of doing business right.

2. They're in or planning to enter a personal relationship with someone. The first thing to do is to ensure that they are dealing with someone who can be trusted for the long term.

3. They're employing new company workers and have to check and verify the qualifications of applicants for the job. It also prevents fraud and other malicious activity that can put the company at risk.

4. They're suspicious about a neighbor, friend or relative who may have had a dark past or being sought after by legal authorities.

Conducting background checks among investment partners is not an uncommon thing to do in the world of business. Some may even perform a check on themselves and provide it for others. Included are the basic information like name, address and contact numbers. More useful detail would be real estate assets, watercraft, aircraft and other vehicles associated in business. If you use online tools and Web sites to do an extensive report, there will also be relevant data like bankruptcy filings, stock transactions, corporate affiliations in the past, joined organizations and unions and private and personal properties.

Criminal records are often the most sought after details when doing a background check on potential spouses. People get to know if their partners are cheating on them or lying by reviewing present divorce records, citizenship, past employment status, educational attainment, filed lawsuits, judgments, professional licenses and marriage records.

It is normal and expected for employers to do a background check or FCRA or Fair Credit Report Act compliant report or employee screening report to ensure that workers are fit and properly educated for the job and tasks at hand. It will also verify whether the person can legitimately work in the state in terms of citizenship, tax liens and other matters.

For those who are suspicious of someone and only wish to ensure their safety, a basic background check will do as well as criminal history. You will be able to trace previous addresses, past transactions and other details that will hopefully create a pattern worthy of reporting to legal authorities. Checking accessible public records will help in your search and investigation. A trustworthy and dependable Web site that has all the know-how and technology you need is necessary.

Ed Opperman encourages you to learn more about conducting background checks and online investigations at his website. Included in his services are email tracing, internet infidelity investigations, phone investigations, employment locate, and others. You will find more details about background checks here ===>

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Reverse Email Look-Up Can Put an End to Internet Harassment and Cyber Stalking

The family desk-top or laptop computer is an exciting place that most everyone these days spends a large amount of their time. They are often either playing games, talking to friends, taking care of banking needs or other types of responsibilities, or just searching the net. A growing problem that can interrupt and interfere with the time that many adults, teenagers and even our young children spend on the computer is the frustrating experience of being constantly bothered and harassed while they are online. There are even some people that become frightened of even going online because of persistent emails they receive from Internet cyber stalkers.

Although there are many situations that can and should be reported to the authorities in your area, you will find that they are generally swamped with problems that are even more serious, which results in these cases being put on the back burner. By taking advantage of the knowledge and skill of experienced investigators, you can put an end to Internet harassment and cyber stalking by having a reverse email look-up performed.

A reverse email trace is an investigation that is so effective that it not only has the ability to provide people with the identity of the person stalking or harassing them, but it is also used for finding people who have jumped bail, locating runaways, locating someone you are trying to find or verify a person's identity.

Providing the email address that the individual is using to send you repeated messages can ultimately supply you with many different pieces of helpful information. A reverse email look-up is an investigation that can put an end to Internet harassment and cyber stalking and actually give you the identify of the person causing this type of harm. In many cases the name of the person is identified, their telephone number, street address, place of employment, operating system, geographic location and several other identifying pieces of data can also be found.

Whether the individual that is harassing you or a family member has an AOL, Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail or other type of email account, a reverse email look-up is the perfect investigation for identifying and putting an end to cyber stalking and harassment that occurs on the Internet.

After an expert private investigator has provided you with the identifying information obtained in the reverse email trace, authorities you have previously contacted will better be able to put a complete halt to the situation.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Many Reasons and Uses For Cell Phone Forensics Data Recovery

There are many reasons why you may find yourself in the desperate need of forensic data recovery on a cell phone. But rest assured that if you find yourself in this predicament there is help available. Let's take a look at some of the possible benefits from hand held digital forensics.

1. You may need to recover deleted text messages or pics that you accidentally deleted.

2. You may suspect infidelity in a spouse and want to see the truth with your own eyes.

3. You may suspect employees are stealing either company time, money or inventory.

4. You may be involved in a civil litigation and need a record of text messages to demonstrate the negotiations in a business deal.

5. You may have a criminal charges and need to prove your innocence against false allegations.

6. You may need to check up on your children's behavior like possible drug use or inappropriate pics or texting.

7. You may need to clear your name if you are being accused of something you did not do.

As you can see there are many uses for cell phone deleted data recovery and reporting. I'm sure there are many uses listed here that you have never considered. I'm also sure there are many other reasons that are not listed here.

For instance in a recent death penalty murder trial the defendant was able to use cell phone forensics to demonstrate that his personal cell phone was tampered with while in police custody. The cell phone forensic report was able to show that texts were deleted and the phone and the phone was used while it was supposed to be locked away in the police evidence storage locker.

In another recent case in the news NFL Quarter Back Brett Farve used cell phone forensics to dispute allegations of sending inappropriate texts and images. Lastly we all remember the many alleged Tiger Woods mistresses that used cell phone forensics to recover deleted texts they had exchanged with the famous champion golfer.

This kind of technology has only been available since early 2000. At first it was only available to law enforcement investigating crimes and the military hunting down terrorists but today it's widely available from local forensic These labs are usually run by private investigation firms and they make these services available to the general public at very reasonable costs to their clients. Surely as the service becomes more main stream more and more benefits will turn up.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc
Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Online Dating Or Online Deception? Find Out With a Reverse Email Search

Have you tried online dating? It's a great way to meet people. But who are you actually chatting with or exchanging emails with. You can find out with a reverse email search. Online dating is growing everyday. People get to browse personal ads and pick out a person they like in the same way they may browse an online store for shoes or a purse. You put in the size and shape and color you want and 100 potential dates pop up on your screen.

But who are these people? Are they being truthful in their profiles? Is it a recent pictures. Do they really earn what they claim? There are some major pitfalls and well none scams associated with online dating services:

1. Fantasy Role Playing.

Many times the cute blond coed you think you're flirting with is really a man pretending to be a woman.

2. Russian and Nigeria Scams. Many times you'll get a response to your ad from a picture of a beautiful woman claiming to be visiting overseas. This is just the beginning of a scam to try to get you to mail them a plane ticket.

3. Damsel In Distress.

This email from a beautiful woman will describe horrible domestic abuse and will ultimately end with her asking you for money to escape her abusive partner. But there are far more sophisticated scams that may run on for weeks. They will flirt, profess their love and devotion. You can be chatting for weeks or months but you have a distinct feeling that something is wrong.

This is when you should do some investigation. There are many ways to check out a person if all you have is an email address. You can do a reverse email search to find out their real name address and phone number. Then you can run a back ground report to find out their marital and financial status. You can also do some Internet investigations to secret blogs and secret Myspace account. There are dating service searches and escort service searches to see if their email is associated with memberships on those sites.

The bottom line is that if you suspect something is wrong it probably is. If you have suspicions or feelings of uncertainty about an online relationship you should hire an investigator that can perform the types of investigations described in this article. But you need an investigator that has experience in tracing emails and online infidelity investigations. Do an online search using Google to find out if they are an expert in online investigations or email tracing. Compare prices as well as experience.

No one should live with suspicions or feeling of uncertainty. Not when it's so easy to find out the truth.

Ed Opperman is president of Opperman Investigations Inc He is considered an expert on the reverse email search and online investigations Visit to end your fears.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Steps You Can Take To Collect Back Child Support

Do you have an old child support order that has gone largely ignored by the other parent of your child? For the child's sake it's important for you to take every measure possible to collect on that judgment in order for you to support your child. There are many steps you can take to collect and if you are careful and methodical in your efforts you can and will be successful in recovering the money that is owed.

The first thing you should do is contact the child support enforcement division of the family court where you were given the initial child support order. Make sure you have a valid child support order. If not be sure to file for child support and get the order of support. If you are sure you have a valid order then meet with the enforcement division and find out exactly what information they need to collect on your order.

Usually the enforcement division will report the child support judgment to the department of motor vehicles and the dead beat parents drivers license will be suspended. In some cases this will make the parent come running in to settle their debt but in other cases it could make things worse. The parent in arrears can lose their employment or simply drive without a license. Now if they have no job they can't pay and if they are in jail for driving on suspended license they can't pay. So this step can actually do more harm than good.

Another step you can take is to locate the deadbeats current place of employment so their employer can be served with an income expectation. The parents pay check will be attached and the child support payments will come directly out of their check. If they are working under the table for cash you may still be able to locate their employer and submit this evidence to the court and still have that income attached. But you will need this evidence documented by a professional so it will stand up in court.

If the parent is elf employed or has a business you may be able to go after his assets or bank accounts. This can be accomplished with an asset search to locate their property and financial records, investments and other income streams. Both of these steps may require the assistance of a private investigator to locate his employment or his assets. While a savvy businessman may be very good at hiding income and assets the experienced investigator can often locate the hidden funds.

Most private detectives will require a retainer up front to locate this information for you. It is important for you to beware of agencies or companies that will offer to locate the deadbeat and their employment and assets on a contingency fee basis. They will want to take a large cut of the child support that they recover. This is unnecessary as you can do much of the leg work yourself and use investigators that charge a flat fee to obtain the information you can't get on your own. You should at least try to do it on your own without giving up the lions share of your money to some company out to make a buck.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

For assistance in performing an Asset Search Investigation contact Ed Opperman Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc through his web site

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