Thursday, May 12, 2011

How Can I Trace an Email and Identify the Sender?

Stop me if you've heard this one: A kind, casual internet user is going about his or her day when suddenly, a disturbing email arrives from an unrecognized sender. This sort of thing happens every single day, and often the email title can take the form of an inflammatory declaration. Perhaps it was even sent to a hundred of your close friends, family, or even your co-workers. Believe it or not, it's not entirely uncommon for someone to receive an email with a header that reads like 'I don't like the way you're coaching the local little league team' or even 'I have been sleeping with your significant other' - except with correct names of people and places being used. Sound like a nightmare? What should you do if this occurs?

You trace it! Though the internet is vast and there are many ways to remain anonymous, it's not impossible to follow the clues and find the letter's origin. Usually, you'll be told that you need to grab the email headers by going into your settings. And then, you'll be instructed, you'll need to grab the IP address from the headers and run a trace on that to find the author's ISP. This is the sort of advice I come across time and time again.

My problem with this advice is that it can return misleading information. In fact, information provided in an email's header is often reversed and it can lead to you tracing your own ISP instead of the sender's! Furthermore, you want specifics - not just the general area of where the email came from, but the name of the person who is suggesting something accusatory or malicious. This is why you might want to consider hiring a private investigator over, say, a computer technician who will deal primarily with data and not with names. A programmer may not appreciate your lack of interest in the technical side of things, whereas a private investigator can understand and empathize with your terrible situation.

In any event, a private investigator will probably utilize a reverse email search - a free service that can be found all over the internet. Other simple first steps will be taken, too - such as throwing the user's email address into a few search engines to see what else pops up. You can attempt these methods as well, of course, but you may bump into walls where a private investigator has contacts and resources to fall back upon.

More and more private investigators are spending time and money to become well-versed in internet-related subject matter so that they can conduct these sorts of investigations. On the other hand, you need to careful because there are a few 'sleuth scams' out there that will promise you unbelievable results - which is why you need to do some research before you decide on who to hire. And remember, a professional trace can take weeks to complete properly - so beware of those promising instant results! Still, with a little persistence and a lot of patience, you can get to the bottom of this sort of situation - which is much better than being left feeling helpless and victimized!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How to Catch a Cheater With Modern Technology

This sad situation has been played time and time again in all kinds of families. A spouse suspects their spouse is cheating, they have that sickening feeling inside, but they have no solid proof and aren't sure how to get the proof they need.

You don't want to confront your spouse without any proof because you are afraid of confronting an innocent person, don't want the guilt associated with that, and don't want to start any unnecessary fights.

While the internet and other technology such as cell phones, pagers, blackberries make it easier than ever to cheat and easier than ever to be tempted, the silver lining of the cloud is that you can get proof that your spouse is cheating so you don't have to make false allegations or confront an innocent person.

If you are sick with stress that your spouse is cheating, it's time to find out the truth and remove all doubts for good.

With modern technology, there are several different ways you can catch your spouse cheating. You can pick which method you are most comfortable with.

There are online infidelity investigators to combat the rising problem of online cheaters and to help spouses catch their spouse cheating and to uncover the truth.

These investigators have all the modern technology that will remove any doubts or second guessing you may have.

It's time to put a stop to the stress, doubts, guilt, the confusion, sickening feeling, and get to the bottom of the situation. You don't deserve to live like this. You deserve to know exactly what's going on. If you are in the dark, it's your spouse making that decision for you.

But it's your life, and it's your decision to make on how you want to live it. Nobody else should make that decision for you, especially without you knowing it.

By providing an online investigator your spouses email, they can tell you if that email is registered with any of the thousands of dating sites out there in only 1-2 days.

By sending an online investigator your spouses cell phone, they can uncover all of the secrets, even deleted secrets, it may contain. You can see for yourself any deleted text messages, deleted pictures, deleted phone calls, phone call logs, and more.

With a computer forensic examination, you can see all secrets that your spouse has been keeping from you on the computer. You will be able to look at deleted emails from your spouse's lover, deleted pictures, deleted documents, and deleted files.

Just because your spouse deleted something, doesn't mean it's gone. It's still on your hard drive, you just need an investigator to uncover it all for you. After seeing everything on the computer that your spouse has deleted and tried to hide from you, you will know without any doubt whether you are being cheated on or not and who with. There will be no more secrets and you no longer have to worry about confronting your spouse without any proof.

Copyright (c) 2009 Ed Opperman

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Is It Possible to Recover Erased Text Messages From an iPhone?

The world of technology that is available to us today can often be a confusing place to be for many individuals. This is especially true when it comes to forensic investigations that private investigators perform on various types of cell phones. This is a specialized service that takes a great deal of knowledge, expensive tools and years of experience. There are many individuals that have wondered if it is possible to recover erased text messages from an iPhone. Experts in the field of cell phone forensic investigations can efficiently recover erased text messages from iPhones, along with various other types of data that individuals often erase when they have something to hide.

Professionals that have years of experience in this type of investigation are able to recover erased text messages from iPhones, Motorolas, Blackberry cell phones and a wide range of others as well. They can retrieve deleted sext, SMS and text messages, contact information they have added or erased, email addresses, photographs and graphic images, videos that have been sent and received, detailed information regarding call logs, and several other pieces of helpful data.

Unfortunately there is a variety of situations that people will often run into, which causes them the need of learning about their possibilities in being able to retrieve deleted text from an iPhone. There are times that parents suspect their teen to be in situations that involve bullying, the use of drugs or alcohol, or even sexting other kids. There have been cases when employers suspected that one or more of their employee's was stealing from their business. Sadly, one of the most common situations is when a spouse or a partner suspects that their significant other is engaging in an affair that they are trying to keep hidden.

It is possible to recover erased text messages from an iPhone or other type of cellular device, which often supplies the innocent party with the evidence that they have spent so much time worrying about. However, there are also many times when the innocence of employees, teenagers and spouses has also been proven.

Cell phone forensic investigations that are performed on iPhones to recover deleted text do not take much time to complete, and this particular type of service is offered to individuals at very reasonable prices. There is simply no need for anyone to keep smothering in worry, when such a beneficial investigative tool is available.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics. To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

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Monday, May 9, 2011

How To Trace Emails Set Up With Fake Information

Are you wondering if it's still possible to trace an email back to the sender even if the information used to create the email address is all fake? If you are receiving harassing or annoying emails and it's obvious that the information used to open the email account is fake you can still trace that email. A reverse email search investigation can still obtain the real name and address and or phone number of the actual person that is using the email address.

Many times when a cyber stalker or bully sets out to begin a campaign of harassment they will take steps to conceal their identity. One such step may be to create a new email account and use completely fictitious information when creating the account. They do this because they think it will make it more difficult to be traced and identified.

While it is true that this simple attempt to conceal their true identity may work on an instant people search that you may find online it will not even slow down an experienced investigator trained in reverse email search investigations In fact a seasoned investigator will assume that the information used to open the account is false.

Any investigator that is serious about tracing an email back to the sender to locate or identify the actual owner will assume that any information entered by the cyber stalker is false. They will also assume that any information a cyber bully used to create an online profile or writes in their communications is also false or a lie. The investigator will only rely on information he or she obtains themselves and only if that information can be confirmed.

For instance when tracing an email and investigator will also examine and analyze the email headers. But even then they will look carefully to see if the headers have been forged or tampered with. many times a stalker will try to use a proxy server to mask their IP when sending an email. So even this information must be carefully scrutinized before jumping to conclusions.

Another factor to deal with is public computer. Many times a stalker will travel to a public library or even try to tap into a neighbors Wi-Fi before sending an email. So even if an investigator can obtain an IP address from a header they have to take into consideration the possibility that the stalker has changed his location to hide their identity.

To the average person it may seen hopeless or impossible to locate or identify a stalker but the fact is that each and every one of these attempts is well know to the savvy email investigator and is taken into consideration when tracing an email address back to the sender in order to locate or identify a cyber bully. The stalkers may think they're smart but they're no match for the investigators that have seen every trick in the book and deal with this kind of thing everyday.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Do You Know How To Retain Cell Phone Records?

Many people want to change cell phone service providers, but are afraid to because they do not want to lose their cell phone number. Not too long ago you would have to switch from one company to another to get a new phone number. Now it is possible to retain your cell phone number if you switch companies.

So learning how to retain cell phone records was useless. However, learning how to retain cell phone records these days can be a big advantage to you.

When you want to learn how to retain cell phone records you can do this in a couple of different ways. You can contact the cellphone service provider to find out now or you can search online for more information. The best option is to contact your old service provider to find out if they have any problems with you being able to retain cell phone records from your phone. Then contact the new service provider to find out what you need to do to retain cell phone records from your old phone.

So what do you do if you don't have a new cell phone service provider that you want to use? Then you go online and you do a search for service providers. This way you can see the many different choices you have. This will allow you to find the provider that can give you everything you need for your new phone and one that will help you retain cell phone records from your old phone.

You might want to call some of the service providers to talk to them about their policies about retaining cell phone records. There are still some companies out there that won't allow you to keep your new number or records. However, this is becoming rare every day.

You may want to find a cell phone service provider that is local to you. This way you can talk to someone face to face at their location. Some people prefer to do things this way instead of online.

No matter what service provider you use, you want to make sure that you have looked at a couple of different ones before you decide. Ask each one, how to retain cell phone records and see what they say. This will help make your decision about which one to use easier. Just remember to take your time to find the right provider for your cell phone needs.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your unlisted phone number search needs. He offers internet infidelity investigations, reverse email searches, telephone investigations, retain cell phone records tips, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now:===>

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Friday, May 6, 2011

Facebook, Social Network or Road to Adultery

We have all heard of Facebook. The social networking site to communicate with family, friends, and old classmates. Can it really be just as simple as that. You can find anyone from your past, including ex-girlfriends, ex- co-workers or that old flame. That may be a problem in many people's eyes when they are involved in a relationship. Now I know you have all heard that "curiosity killed the cat". How many of you have had the thought of wanting to look up someone you use to date just to see what there up to. I'm sure we all get that that from one time to another.

Here is the only bad part about that. Who wants their significant other online possibly rekindling with an ex or flirting with their High School sweetheart? It happens, we all know that. If you want to know beforehand if your partner is cheating on Facebook, there is something that can be done. Before your partner plays you for a fool find out for yourself. If you sit and wonder or strongly believe your partner could be talking with someone on Facebook, that would upset you, or maybe you're just curious yourself? Don't sit there anymore but take a simple step to get the facts and know.If your husband searching out ex girlfriends this could jeopardize your relationship and family. Recent statistics have shown that one out of four times online flirting will lead to a real life encounter.

A private investigator can conduct an online infidelity investigation on your significant other to find out if in fact he or she is chatting with someone whom you would advise against. This kind of investigation is unique because it will take your husbands email address and trace it back to secret online dating web sites or social networking sites like Facebook. Once secret personal ads or a secret social networking page has been discovered the investigation can be expanded to include using a pretext web site of a sexy decoy to test your man and see if he's interested in meeting up with a woman he runs across on the Internet.

If you value your marriage and family you owe it to yourself to stand guard on your man and not let him be tempted away by some woman from his past that has no regard for you or your children. An Internet infidelity investigtion is the best first step to protecting yourself and family.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for If you have noticed signs of cheating please feel free to visit his web site.

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Do You Need a Subpeona To Obtain a Persons Banking And Financial Records?

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

In many cases a private investigator can use an asset search to discover a great deal of banking and financial information without having to subpoena. An asset search investigation when conducted by a professional with many years of experience can recover a great deal of financial and even banking information about a person. Of course one you have identified which institution the subject is banking at a subpoena can be used to obtain actual bank statements, records and deposits, withdrawals etc.

If you are in need to obtain banking and financial information about a person your first call should be to a private investigator that is experienced in asset search investigation. A standard, basic asset search can locate bank accounts, property, real estate, vehicles and much more financial information about a person. Once you have this information you can use the subpoena process to serve each institution located to turn over all records relating to your court case.

It may be difficult to find an investigator that has expertise in this area. Not every investigator will do asset searches. It's a specialized field of investigation. Also recent legislation has made it unlawful to use the old standard techniques the private detectives used to use to obtain this kind of financial information. In fact some investigators are so inexperienced in this are that they mistakenly believe that any kind of investigation to disconcert financial information about a person is unlawful or illegal. This is simply not true.

A very basic search of public records such and real property records can reveal banking information about a person. Property records are public information that anyone can view without any kind of subpoena or court order. Many times this recorded document will include first and second mortgages associated with the property. This will reavel banking information that a trained investigator can follow up on, legally without a subpoena, and return financial banking information about the person being investigate.

Now this is just one very simple obvious method that anyone can do. But keep in mind that aa professional investigator that has been doing this for years has literally hundreds of such avenues of perfectly legally obtainable financial information that does not initially require a court order or subpeona duces tucem. Anyone that tells you it is illegal or unlawful to obtain finacial information about a subject without a subpoena is simply misinformed.

For assistance in performing an Asset Search Investigation contact Ed Opperman Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc through his web site

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