Thursday, January 27, 2011

What To Do If Your Email Account Is Hacked By A Stalker?

If your email account has been hacked you will need to take immediate steps to correct the situation. The first thing you must determine is if the account has been hacked by a stranger or someone that's close to you that wants to spy on you and your private communications. The second thing you need to decide is if you want to catch them or just let them get away with it.

Now if it's just a stranger that has hacked into your account by stealing your password it's likely they only did this to use your email account to send out spam advertisements to people. If this is the case you just need to contact your email provider and follow their step by step procedures to recover you account and change your password. At this point it would be safe to go to all the online accounts you have and make changers to those passwords also.

If the person who has stolen your password and email account is someone who has targeted you specifically to spy on you and invade your privacy you will probably want to catch them in the act and have them arrested and prosecuted. After all someone that has gone to all that effort to stalk you is capable of anything. At the very least you will want to go to court and get a restraining order.

So in this situation the first thing you want to do is go directly to the police and make a report. If the police have the time and recourses they can examine your hard drive, serve your email provider with a search warrant and gather enough information to trace the hacker down and make an arrest.

If your local police don't seem too interested in helping or even act is if they don't believe you then you can hire a private investigator. There are private investigators that can remotely monitor your email account and see if anyone is accessing your email account without your permission. They can recover identifying information about the unauthorized access to your account and reduce that information to a report you can turn over to the police.

In many cases they can get an exact identification of the hacker and provide documented proof of the crime.

Another step is a computer hard drive examination. Sometimes an examination of your hard drive can recover the presence of a key logger or trojan virus and you may even be able to find out an email and password where all your personal information has been sent. Once again this is very damaging evidence.

Once again this information can be reduced to a report that can be used to make an arrest and get a conviction. If you are the victim of a stalker that has hacked into your email account you need to take the correct steps to protect yourself.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is Pres Of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you suspect someone is reading your emails you need a hacked email account investigation. Visit to locate or identify the hacker.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Many Deleted Text Messages Can Be Undeleted From an iPhone?

There are a million reasons why you may need to recover deleted text messages from an iPhone. Perhaps you accidentally deleted important evidence for a court case or you suspect infidelity in a spouse. It may even be a child data you need to recover in order to find out if they are abusing drugs.

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to recover deleted text messages from an iPhone you may be wondering exactly how many messages deleted can be retrieved. This is not a simple question to answer. It's like asking how long is a piece of string. There are just too many variable to know in advance of a physical examination if the device.

A great deal of information can be recovered with a digital forensic examination of a cell phone:

- Website addresses that have been visited
- Address book
- Settings for mail
- Notes
- Preferences
- Calendar
- Text, SMS, and Sext messages
- Pictures and graphics
- Detailed call history that includes the duration and times of calls that have been made and received
- Names and telephone numbers of contacts
- Other data that has been deleted from the iPhone

Some of the factors that will determine the results are a data recover are the storage capacity of the unit and the daily usage of the device. When we speak of daily usage we are not only talking about the number of texts. The number of apps, pics and videos can also affect the storage and recoverability of the SMS or texts.

Whenever a text message is deleted it creates open storage space on the internal memory of the device. As new data is entered into the device it can overwrite old deleted data. The new data will look for any open space to write to. This new data does not have to be a new text message. It could be a video or pic or any other type of new data.

There are just too many factors to predict how much deleted data can be recovered before you run a full forensic examination of the device.

When examining an iphone we have another option of examining the backup files. If the data from the phone has been backed up to your personal computer we can copy those files and examine and recover deleted data from there. This is advantageous because those backed up files will not be affected by new data written into the device itself. minimizing the risk of having deleted text messages overwritten.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

Friday, January 21, 2011

Common Mistakes When Tracing An Email Back To The Sender

Many times a person receives an email and they will need to locate or identify the sender. They may search online for email tracing tips and attempt to locate and identify the owner of the email account. A simple Internet search will return thousands of hits on reverse email search.

The first thing you may find is instructions on how to examine email headers, locate the senders IP address and trace that IP address back to the senders Internet service Provider or ISP.These instructions will almost always end right there at the ISP and not return any identifying information about the sender. In fact it's extremely common mistake for a novice to misread the headers and trace their own IP number and not the senders.

The second most common mistake is to use an instant reverse email search. This is a search that utilizes a data base. That data base will only include information that the email account owner used when they created the email account and this is almost always fictitious.

Another common mistake is the erroneous opinions you may find that claim that there is no legal way to obtain identifying information about an email account without a subpoena served on the ISP. You will even find some opinions tat claim that certain kinds of emails are completely untraceable. This too is false and a very common mistake.

Many people think that since an email is sent or received on a computer they need a computer or IT specialist to trace the email when they should really be relying on a trained professional investigator. If you need to run a plate and locate the owner of car you don't ask a mechanic. If you need to get the name behind an unlisted phone number you don't ask a telephone repairman.

Obviously when you need someone located or identified the person you should turn to is a private investigator. If you start there you can avoid all of the common mistakes listed in this article. A trained investigator experienced in email investigations will be familiar with all of these common mistakes and will have the resources to correctly identify the actual person behind the email account. They can even record and document each step of the investigation and provide a report that can be submitted as evidence.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your email search needs. He offers cyber stalking investigations, internet infidelity investigations, reverse email search and much more. To learn more about reverse email lookup and other useful information please click here now:===>
Article Source: in the NEWS! Recovers Cell Phone Texts Messages in Tiger Woods Case Hired To Recover Deleted Texts For Aston Kutcher Alleged Mistress

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

You Can Use A Reverse Email Search On Gmail and AOL Email Accounts To Locate or Identify The Owners

There are many sly tactics that cyber bullies, stalkers and sexual predators use in order for them to remain active at their sick game of harassing innocent adults and children on the Internet. One of the tactics that they believe prevents them from being caught, is using email accounts like Gmail and AOL to send their harassing threats and vulgarities to innocent people on the Internet. The good news for the victims that these criminals target, is that even when harassing emails are sent from AOL, Gmail and other email accounts, it does not stop the effectiveness of a reverse email search investigation.

Expert private investigators that perform reverse email search investigations have a long list of tools that make this search one of the most effective ways of stopping online criminals like sexual predators, cyber stalkers and bullies. To list just a few of the tools that are commonly used when these investigations are performed includes both private and public databases, spider sites, web bugs for email, pretexts, trap lines and other technical tools. These tools make it easier for experts to gain information that can lead to the identity of even the most craftiest of cyber stalkers.

Many cyber bullies and stalkers feel as if they are invincible and they often gain a false sense of security when using Gmail and AOL accounts and, in many cases, it ends up being the very factor that leads to successfully identifying who they are. Because IP information is removed from some emails that are sent from Gmail accounts, online harassers make the false assumption that this information is removed from every email that they send. They also do not take it into account that there is other incriminating evidence that can be obtained from emails sent from Gmail.

When any person is being threatened and harassed with repeated emails of vulgar messages, the first step that should be taken is to consult with a professional private investigator. Threatening emails sent from Gmail, AOL or other accounts cannot stop the effectiveness of a reverse email search. With high tech tools, skill and experience at their disposal, investigators can often provide victims of harassment with not only the ISP information and geographic location of the harasser, but in a majority of cases they can even supply the full name of the guilty party. This gives victims the power needed to contact the appropriate authorities to file a court case in either a civil or criminal court of law.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your email search needs. He offers cyber stalking investigations, internet infidelity investigations, reverse email search and much more. To learn more about reverse email lookup and other useful information please click here now:===>
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