Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Effective Methods to Combat Cyber Stalking

Cyber stalking can be a very frightening experience. Often individuals who are the victims of this occurrence feel invaded and unsafe even in their own home. A large number of people use the internet as a safe way to explore the world and when that safety is invaded it can leave a person feeling vulnerable and scared. This is the very thing that cyber stalkers depend on when they use the internet to victimize individuals. The important thing to remember here is that you don't have to be a victim; there are ways that you can fight back and put a stop to this type of harassment.

Internet investigations can go a long way toward identifying individuals who choose to use cyber stalking as a way of intimidating people. The most popular type of internet investigation used for this purpose is a reverse email look-up. This type of investigation can uncover more than just the identity of the person harassing you, it can also find out other important details. Some of the data that can be obtained through this process also includes address and phone number, internet service provider and browser information, where the person works, where the emails originated from and even what websites the person visits.

A proper reverse email trace consists of much more than what websites claiming to offer this service can provide. Many times these websites are ineffective and recover little or no helpful information. The best course of action in identifying cyber stalking offenders is to look to the professionals. These investigators are highly trained in the process of getting the necessary information to stop cyber stalkers in their tracks. After this information is obtained you will get a detailed report of this data which generally takes anywhere from a day to two weeks, depending on the situation at hand.

Once you have the details of the person you believe is cyber stalking you, the next step is to take the necessary action to put a stop to the stalking. The first thing to do is provide all the information you have as well as whatever proof you may have to the proper authorities. You should never attempt to resolve a situation such as this on your own. You never know what the person on the other end of the harassment is capable of and you should always leave this part to the professionals.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Review of EmailRevealer.com's Investigation Services
Emailrevealer.com - Emailrevealer Company News Section

Friday, July 16, 2010

EmailRevealer.com -Is Your Husband Having Sex With Escorts

Do you suspect a man in your life is having sex with escorts? There are very few things that a woman will find more repulsive than the idea of the man that she loves having cheap anonymous sex with an escort in some sleazy motel room. It's a huge betrayal to the trust one should have in a relationship. It exposes your family to disease, blackmail and extortion, drugs and possible criminal prosecution.

There are some basic signs that should raise your suspicions of your man cheating with an escort.
1 .Missing time.
2. Missing money.
3. Change in sexual habits or interests.
4. Secretive behavior.

Suspicion is one thing, paranoia is another. What you need is poof! But how can you get the evidence to relieve your suspicious mind? Sex with a prostitute is often anonymous.The transactions are usually in cash.You can hire a PI to follow your man around all day but that could be very expensive. Most private investigators charge $125 an hour and up for surveillance.

A recent survey revealed that up to 85% of all prostitutes interviewed worked for escort services, most of those escort services have web sites to advertise their company. The rise of Internet based escort services is a relatively new phenomenon that has only been around the last 10 years as the Internet has grown in use. Years ago escort service were advertised by word of mouth, referrals and a few discreet ads in the phone book. Today in the competitive world of Internet marketing a single escort service may have dozens if not hundreds of Internet entries. Web pages, blogs, Myspace, directories, review sites. Even some adult orientated dating services will cater to and promote prostitutes and their escort service.

So today a man looking for sex with an escort will have to look no farther than his computer. He can sign up to dating services, create secret email accounts, secret Myspace pages, even post reviews on web communities dedicated to escorts and their clients. What that cheating man does not realize is that all of his online activity can be tracked and traced by an online private investigator for a fraction of what it would cost to follow him around for just a couple of hours.

A private investigator that is trained in Internet investigations can locate and identify every one of those secret email accounts and secret personal ad memberships that your man is using to meet and have sex with escorts. This can be done without any illegal hacking or cracking or downloading any key loggers or spy ware. You can even spy on his activity from his work computer or other computers that you do not have access.

Sex with prostitutes, Internet porn addiction, secret social network sites that mentions drug use , gambling, substance abuse and inappropriate associations are all factors that can be brought up in a child custody hearing. If you find out your children's father is involved in these types of repulsive behaviors and decide to divorce, this evidence can and should be submitted to the court for consideration in awarding custody and visitation.

If you have suspicions you should , for the safety of your family, find out the truth. If you decide to hire an online investigator be sure to research the investigator and the company involved to see if they are recognized as an expert in online infidelity investigations.

Ed Opperman, Preseident of Opperman Investigations Inc is considered an expert in Online Infidelity Investigations. If you suspect cheating visit http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Press Release :
EmailRevealer Online Investigations - Review of EmailRevealer.com's Services

Monday, July 12, 2010

Is Your Teen on Drugs - Recover Deleted Texts For the Truth

Over the years drugs have become more and more widely available to the younger generation. It seems every year the kids on drugs get younger and younger. A parent's worst nightmare is the possibility that their teen may be using illegal drug substances. No matter how much you talk to your teens, chances are high that at some point they will experiment with drugs. Chances are also high that they won't tell you about it. Many times when confronted they will deny the mere thought of using drugs. If your teen is like so many others, a cell phone most likely is always present. If this is the case you can recover deleted text from their phones to get answers about possible drug use.

Technology has now developed ways to recover deleted text through a forensic investigation of a cell phone. Other information that can be obtained through this type of investigation may include deleted contact information such as names and phone numbers, deleted pictures and video files, incoming and outgoing calls, how long the calls lasted and even voice mail messages. All of this information combined will be able to give you a general idea about your teens possible drug use.

Many people believe that SIM card readers work to recover deleted text; however, this is often not the case. These card readers are often ineffective and should be avoided at all costs. This is because many SIM card readers actually damage and even destroy the information that it should be reading. Once this information is destroyed it cannot be recovered, which results in frustration on the part of the parent. Information destroyed by SIM card readers cannot be read which means that parents will still not have the answers they are so desperately trying to find.

If you are concerned that you're teen may be using drugs or involved in other illegal activities this is definitely an option you will want to consider. By turning to a professional investigator to recover deleted text you can get answers to the tough questions that many teens either deny or avoid altogether. It is definitely well worth the time, money, and effort to know what kind of activities your teen may be involved in. Having the answers to these difficult questions will also give you an advantage in knowing what steps to take to deal with these issues effectively.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted texts and other useful information please click here now:===> http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Protect Your Internet Experience and AOL Mail From Cyber Stalkers

The World Wide Web is a fantastic tool for individuals to research and learn about an endless number of subjects, as there are many different websites that you can browse through that have some very informative information. It is also a great place to meet new friends that share common interests, get in touch with relatives that you have lost contact with, it can be a work environment, and it can also be a place to have an endless world of fun and excitement. With all of the positive aspects that can be found on the Internet, there is also a downfall. Unfortunately there are numerous cyber stalkers that lurk in many different places on the web, hiding in wait to find a victim to stalk and harass. There are times that individuals are stalked by complete strangers they do not know, but then there are also times that victims receive continuous emails with harassing messages and scary threats by someone that they do know.

Of course the authorities should be notified and a police report should be filed as soon as possible when this is a problem that happens to you, but there is also something else that you can do to stop the activities of cyber stalkers. Contacting an expert that performs reverse email look-ups is a step in the right direction that can provide you with detailed information on exactly who the individual is that seems to be fixated on your messengers and your AOL email account. You can learn the person's full name, the phone number they use as a contact number, the address where they live, and many other pieces of helpful information that will give the authorities everything they need to catch the stalker and identify them.

There are several other procedures that can take several days, or even several months before individuals are able to obtain the data being retrieved. However, with a reverse email look-up, most people only have to wait about 24 hours before the investigator provides them with complete detailed information on the cyberstalker. With cases that are much more in depth, it can sometimes takes around two weeks before you are provided with the information to identify the person who has been causing you so much frustration and fear.

When cyberstalkers are out on the prowl and they have targeted you as a victim of their uncontrollable desires to threaten and harass, filling your email inbox every single day with unwanted messages, contact a professional to perform a reverse email trace.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman
Recent Articles:
Is Your Teen on Drugs - Recover Deleted Texts For the Truth

Friday, July 9, 2010

Don't Put Up With Harassment of Cyber Stalkers - A Reverse Email Search Can Identify the Criminal

It is very important that individuals that spend time on the Internet do not just put up with the threatening harassment of cyber stalkers. In many cases when people simply ignore the activities of these criminals, it can often turn into a real life problem that can be very frightening and dangerous. It is important to contact local authorities as soon as this type of activity takes place. Then you should take further steps to protect your family. This can be easily done by consulting with a private investigator that has specialized knowledge in a reverse email search that can identify the criminal that is invading your email inbox.

Stalking is a serious and scary problem that affects more individuals every single year, and it often completely ruins the exciting experience that people are supposed to be able to have when they get online. The activities of cyber stalkers can become especially frightening when they begin to send threatening or harassing emails to one of your children's Hotmail, Gmail, Ymail, AOL, or other type of email account. Although people that engage in stalking may think its just innocent fun that they are having online, criminals such as this need to be held for this type of crime. So, do not just put up with the harassment of cyber stalkers when there are experienced professionals that can help put this type of problem to an end. A reverse email look-up investigation can assist the proper authorities into finding the true identity of the stalker that is sending constant bothersome emails to your inbox.

When this has become the type of experience that you or one of your family members have had to endure, all you need to do is provide the cyber stalkers email address to a well-know private investigator and they can begin the process of a reverse email search to identify the individual causing your family frustration. It does not take long at all to receive a full detailed report, which holds a lot of helpful information. Not only will it give information revealing the identity of the cyber stalker, but lots of other information is generally included such as their address, job information, their name, telephone number, and other types of information. When you can use such a beneficial service as a reverse email look-up to identify a criminal, there is no reason to put up with harassment of cyber stalkers.
Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your email search needs. He offers cyber stalking investigations, internet infidelity investigations, reverse email lookup and much more. To learn more about reverse email lookup and other useful information please click here now:===> http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Thursday, July 8, 2010

How to Recover Deleted Text Messages From a Sanyo CDMA Cellular Phone

As popular as cell phones are with teenagers, you would almost think that they were born with them attached to their body. Just think about it, if they happen to get grounded and their phone is taken away, they act as if you have just removed their lifeline. Although most of our teens just use these devices to stay in contact with their close friends and family members, there are times when they can become tempted to engage in activities that they have no business sticking their noses. A few of the more common problems that many parents face is sexting with their girlfriends or boyfriends, and bullying other teens that they have gotten into arguments with. Another big problem that some parents also face is illegal drug use. Each of these are generally problems that you will find evidence of in their cellular devices. This is because these devices are their favorite form of communicating with others and is where most of their conversations take place. If a parent notices any hint that their teenager is engaging in any of these types of situations, it is recommend that you consult with a professional investigator that knows how to recover deleted text messages from a Sanyo CDMA cellular phone.

Experts that are knowledgeable in cell phone forensic investigations can easily retrieve data from your teens cellular device. This makes it easier for parents to obtain information they need to see if there are problems that need to be addressed. A PI can recover deleted text, SMS history, NV memory dump, phone book information, GUID properties, device properties, call history, file system, and other data that has been erased from the cellular device.

One mistake that some parents have made that you will want to make yourself aware of, is the use of over-the-counter SIM card readers. Using these readers can end up with more problems, as they are bad about destroying data as the process is being performed, making it impossible to be recovered again. Investigators that perform cell phone forensic investigations use equipment that costs thousands of dollars and will not destroy data they are retrieving for you. Many times even when they go to retrieve deleted text, several different tools have to be tried before they find one that matches up to a Sanyo CDMA device, and matching store-bought counters is close to impossible.

If you are concerned about any of your teens activities, the best investigative tool that can be used is offered by experienced investigators that know what their doing. They can recover deleted text and other data in as little as 48 hours.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman
Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===> http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman