Thursday, June 24, 2010

Have an Expert Recover Text Messages If You Think Your Husband is Cheating

Unlike just a few years ago, there are countless innocent women of today that have a huge advantage in fighting back against infidelity that just was not available in the past. In days gone by when a women needed to catch cheating partners, all they had to rely on was getting lucky enough to catch their spouse in the act. In our fast-paced world of ever-changing technology there is a much easier way to achieve this task. Almost every person these days takes advantage of the benefits that are found in carrying around a cell phone. Another thing that is done by many of the individuals who carry these devices, is unacceptable behavior that they engage in while they are having an affair. A telltale sign that your spouse is more than likely carrying on in a relationship other than the one he committed to you in, is if you begin to notice your husband deleting text messages. No longer do women have to try to sneak around to catch cheating partners as they follow them all over town, when it is much easier to simply have an expert recover deleted text messages.

A professional expert that knows how to undelete deleted text messages and other data can perform a cell phone forensic investigation in hardly no time at all. After you send in your blackberry or cellular device, the investigation is performed and then you will receive detailed information on a disk concerning the incriminating evidence that was found on the phone. Aside from being able to recover text messages, an expert in the field of cell phone forensic investigations can also obtain the following:

- Videos
- Caller ID
- Call records containing detailed information like the duration and time calls were made and received
- Email addresses
- Pictures and graphics
- Address book
- Contact names and telephone numbers
- Text messages
- Sext messages
- Other deleted data

There is absolutely no need to sit around worrying when you have professionals available to recover deleted text and other forms of data that could end up being just the evidence you need to confront your husband about the infidelity he has been engaging in.

You should only use a professionals when you want to recover deleted text however. There are SIM card readers that can be bought over-the-counter, but you are taking a big chance in destroying all of the phone's data. Investigators with thousands of dollars in tools even have to try several different tools before they locate the one that works just right for specific cellular devices.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and other useful information please click here now:===>
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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fed Up With Cyber Stalkers? You CAN Get the Harassment Stopped!

For some individuals, one of the most irritating problems they have when they get on the Internet is the continuous irritation they face with email after email being sent to their AOL inbox from a cyber stalker that has been unrelenting about sending threatening and harassing messages. This is a serious and very frightening problem that no-one should ever have to worry about. If this is a situation you face, the first thing you will want to do is notify the proper authorities, because there are many cases like this that turn into real-life stalking. Unfortunately, for the people that use AOL, it is very easy for cyber stalkers to come up with a person's email address, and this is because their email address is the very same as the individuals screen name. If you are an innocent victim that has become the latest target of cyber criminals, and you have become completely fed up, you will be happy to hear that there is an effective service available to use where you CAN get this form of harassment stopped.

A reverse email look-up is a unique type of investigation that professional investigators use to put an end to the harassment and fear that cyber stalkers are known for causing. A reverse email trace does not take a lot of time to conduct either, which means when you have this type of investigation done, you can receive the results in a very short amount of time. The only thing that is required when you become fed up with the actions of cyber stalkers is the email address they have been using to send threatening messages from. You can get the threatening and harassing emails stopped with this type of investigation, because it provides you with everything you need to hand over to the authorities.

When a reverse email look-up investigation is performed, innocent victims can learn information such as the identity of the cyber stalker, their name, telephone number, physical street address, where they work, their ISP, websites they visit, and many other important pieces of information. This makes it much easier for a report to be filed, ensuring the guilty party pays for their wrongdoing. There are already numerous cyber stalkers that have been identified when victims find out you can get the harassing emails stopped. If this is the type of problem you are having and you've become fed up, contact experienced investigators that can get the problem stopped in no time at all.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyberstalking investigation visit
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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Do You Think You Know Who Is Cyber Stalking You, But Need Proof?

Although not much can generally be done at the time, it is extremely important to file charges when you experience problems with a cyber stalker. The lack of attention is not because authorities have no concern for problems such as this, it is generally because they flat do not have the manpower that is needed to try to find out who the guilty party is, and then also gain enough evidence that gives them the power to charge these criminals with a crime. Even when a victim knows who it is that is continuously sending them harassing emails containing threats, vulgar language, and frightening them half to death, the authorities still require some type of concrete proof before anything can actually be done. Believe it or not, in numerous cases of stalking, the person that is sending threatening emails over and over is often someone that the victims knows. There are times that it is an ex-boyfriend, a friend the victim no longer hangs around with, and sometimes it is even a family member that is angry about a confrontation that occurred.

If you find yourself in this situation, the best thing you can do to gain incriminating evidence that can help put an end to the threats and constant harassment your finding in your email inbox is to speak with a professional that knows how to perform a reverse email look-up. An experienced private investigator can not only help you put an end to the problem, but they can also provide you with very incriminating evidence that will help the proper authorities stop the cyber stalker from every frightening another innocent victim.

Many people find it completely unbelievable just how much information that can actually be obtained when this type of procedure is performed. Not only are you provided with the name and telephone number of the cyber stalker, but you also receive their address as well. Employment information, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) they use, and other forms of evidence can also be retrieved that will help tremendously in proving your stalking case. It simply does not make since for victims of stalking to consult with knowledgeable private investigators that are trained in this specific type of investigation. This is a beneficial service that can free you of the fear stalking can cause. In many cases investigators also offer a no-hit no-fee policy. This means there is absolutely no expense to you when no information about the cyber stalker is obtained.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit

Friday, June 4, 2010

Retrieve Deleted Text to See if Your Teen is Taking Your Prescription Drugs

A huge problem in the last few years is teenagers that are getting into and taking their parents prescription drugs. What is so bad about this is there are countless parents that are completely oblivious to this type of behavior. To make matters worse is it is such a serious problem that it can not only cause serious injury to the teen, but in some cases it can even cause loss of life. Warnings are being made known to parents continuously but many of them have no idea how to find out if this problem is occurring right in their own home. One of the easiest ways to find out such important information is to speak with an experienced investigator that has the knowledge to retrieve deleted text from your teenager's cell phone. In most cases children are misled into believing that if they erase messages and other data from the phone that it is no longer retrievable, however this is simply untrue.

Since most teens text back and forth with their friends about everything going on in their life, chances are that parents will easily be able to find out if they are getting into their prescription medications and taking them, when they retrieve deleted text. When a cell phone is sent to an experienced professional, they can generally perform a cell phone forensic investigation in as little as 7 days. After it has been completed, parents are sent detailed information on a disk with all the data that has been retrieved.

Text, sext, and SMS messages, telephone numbers and names of contacts, email addresses, graphics and photos, call records with time and duration of calls made and received, and a variety of other data can be recovered from cell phones when this type of investigation is performed. When experts retrieve deleted text, it gives parents the power to learn of the activities their teen is engaging in that they would otherwise have no way of knowing.
Expert investigators have thousands of dollars worth of forensic equipment that can retrieve deleted text and various other pieces of data without worrying of harming the phone or the information being recovered. This is not the case when people try to use SIM card readers that can be found in over-the-counter form. These readers are known for actually destroying data on the cell phones, which is why their use is highly discouraged.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===> Coupon Codes