Thursday, May 27, 2010

Effective Methods to Combat Cyber Stalking

Cyber stalking can be a very frightening experience. Often individuals who are the victims of this occurrence feel invaded and unsafe even in their own home. A large number of people use the internet as a safe way to explore the world and when that safety is invaded it can leave a person feeling vulnerable and scared. This is the very thing that cyber stalkers depend on when they use the internet to victimize individuals. The important thing to remember here is that you don't have to be a victim; there are ways that you can fight back and put a stop to this type of harassment.

Internet investigations can go a long way toward identifying individuals who choose to use cyber stalking as a way of intimidating people. The most popular type of internet investigation used for this purpose is a reverse email look-up. This type of investigation can uncover more than just the identity of the person harassing you, it can also find out other important details. Some of the data that can be obtained through this process also includes address and phone number, internet service provider and browser information, where the person works, where the emails originated from and even what websites the person visits.

A proper reverse email trace consists of much more than what websites claiming to offer this service can provide. Many times these websites are ineffective and recover little or no helpful information. The best course of action in identifying cyber stalking offenders is to look to the professionals. These investigators are highly trained in the process of getting the necessary information to stop cyber stalkers in their tracks. After this information is obtained you will get a detailed report of this data which generally takes anywhere from a day to two weeks, depending on the situation at hand.

Once you have the details of the person you believe is cyber stalking you, the next step is to take the necessary action to put a stop to the stalking. The first thing to do is provide all the information you have as well as whatever proof you may have to the proper authorities. You should never attempt to resolve a situation such as this on your own. You never know what the person on the other end of the harassment is capable of and you should always leave this part to the professionals.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit

Friday, May 21, 2010

Recover Deleted Text to Catch Cheating Lovers

Chances are if you are or ever have been involved in any type of romantic relationship, the thought of a cheating lover has crossed your mind. In the majority of cases the problem with this scenario is proving it. Even confronting the cheating party often does not produce effective results because often honesty is a factor that is found to be seriously lacking. This is when it may become necessary to turn to a professional to recover deleted text from your partner's cell phone to get the information that your partner often won't give you. To some people this may seem sneaky and dishonest but it is often the only way to get honest answers.

A forensic investigation of a cell phone can uncover a variety of different data that may have been erased from your partner's cell phone. In addition to having the ability to recover deleted text, this type of investigation can also retrieve other key points of information. This data may include contact names and numbers, incoming and outgoing calls, length and time of calls, video and picture files, and many other points of interest. The best part is that all of this information can be recovered even after it has been erased.

At one point in time SIM card readers were thought to be a good way to attempt to recover deleted text privately. The truth of this matter is that SIM card readers are ineffective and very bad to use. The reason they are bad is because they often destroy the very information that is trying to be discovered. This can be a big problem and can be frustrating to the individual trying to uncover the truth. Leave the detective work to the professionals and go for a complete forensic investigation of the cell phone in question. In the end you will be very glad you did.

If you are romantically involved with someone and you think your lover may be cheating, there is a way to catch them. Look to a professional to recover deleted text to get information on exactly who your partner is talking to, as well as what they are talking about. It seems everyone has cell phones and many people don't realize that even when they erase data from their cell phone, it can still be viewed by someone who is trained to get this information. If it turns out that your lover is cheating, you will feel much better knowing the truth and not being left to wonder if your fears have any truth to them.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cell Phone Forensics - Catch Cheating Partners Before It's Too Late

It can be an extremely devastating situation when a person finds out that their spouse or partner of many years has been hiding the involvement they have had with another person. The sad part about it is there are many times that the infidelity that is occurring in a relationship can go on for a number of weeks, months, or even years before before the innocent partner finds out about the unfaithful behavior. Cell phone forensics is a beneficial service that can help a great deal in situations where an individual believes that their partner is engaging in an affair behind their back, and more specifically if they have been sending or receiving SMS text messages and pictures on their cell phone with their secret lover. Being able to recover deleted text messages with this unique service has the ability to help an endless amount of innocent individuals involved in a serious relationship.

When you hire a professional that has the expert knowledge that is required to perform a thorough forensic investigation on your cellular device, they can quickly and easily retrieve deleted text messages and several other pieces of important information. Some of the other important data that they can recover would include pictures, SMS texts, caller ID information, address book, calls that have been made or received, the length of the calls, and the date and the time that the calls were made or received. A detailed report of the data they find during the cell phone forensic investigation is then given to you on a disc that you will have to use as evidence. There are many times that couples end up being able to salvage their relationship after the guilty party has been confronted and the differences that they were having are able to be worked out. So, if you have any suspicions that your partner is cheating on you and you would really like to put an end to the problems so that each of you can move forward, you will want to consider the use of a cell phone forensics specialist.

There are also other reasons why many people take advantage of the benefits to be had when they have a professional retrieve deleted text message, photos, videos, and other data. Some individuals would like to check up on their teenagers activities, and there have been many cases where sexting or bullying has been found. In an accused partners defense, there are also many times that they can actually prove their innocence when a professional is hired to recover deleted text and photos from their cell phone.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and other useful information please click here now:===>

Friday, May 14, 2010

How to undelete deleted pics to uncover infidelity

Too often, those who are faithful in a relationship are less technically savvy than their could-be cheating partners. Which, this really is unfortunate as today's cheaters are leaving blatant traces of their illicit activity just below the surface, and one small step out of your personal reach. Common to cheaters, pictures, in one form or another, are an integral part of their illicit activity. Maybe your spouse is viewing pornography, maybe they have suggestive images of somebody besides you on their computer or phone, or maybe they have images that were unknowingly stored on their computer while they were browsing websites that they shouldn't have been.

Regardless of which scenario your spouse might fall into, there are ways to undelete deleted pics to uncover extramarital activity.

One of the most effective ways to undelete deleted pics is to have a computer forensics investigation service recover the deleted images for you. In some cases, this is the only way that you will be able to recover the deleted pics that give you proof that your spouse is into something that he or she should not be. Now, truth be told, there is software out there that may help you to undelete deleted pics yourself, and some of it may work well enough for your purposes. However, there are a number of dangers that present themselves for those who try to recover deleted images themselves:

Not all data recovery software is safe. It can be infested with malware, spyware, or just be poorly written software that can compromise your computer.

Comprehensive data recovery takes a long time, especially on large hard drives and on older computers. It may take you hours, or days, to completely scan your computer's hard drive for deleted images, and unless your spouse is gone for a few days, they may catch on to what you're doing.

While there is software available to recover deleted images from computer hard drives, the job becomes more technical, and outright prohibitive, for the average computer user to try to undelete deleted pics from cell phones. Which, if your spouse holds incriminating evidence on their cell phone, you probably will not be able to recover it.

To a computer data recovery expert, extracting deleted images, plus other deleted files -- videos, emails, documents, and so forth, is their job. Not only do they have to skills to be able to piece together partial data, they have the software, and the workspace, that will allow them to recover the deleted images so that you can finally know, for sure, what your spouse is trying to hide from you.

If you really want to find out of your spouse is cheating on you, or, at the very least, is looking at things that they are not supposed to be looking at, computer forensics specialists are the people to seek. While the outcome of the investigation may not be pleasant, at least you can finally know the truth so that you can confront your spouse, and move on with your life, one way or another.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and other useful information please click here now:===>